898 pages

English language

Published April 4, 2009 by Picador.

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4 stars (14 reviews)

An American sportswriter, an elusive German novelist, and a teenage student interact in an urban community on the U.S.-Mexico border where hundreds of young factory workers have disappeared.

9 editions

reviewed 2666

Mega-estória do horror sociopolítico latino-americano

5 stars

( sol2070.in/2025/02/livro-2666-roberto-bolano/ )

Não é sempre que leio e consigo apreciar uma obra genial como "2666" (2004, 856 pg), do consagrado autor chileno Roberto Bolaño.

É uma mega-estória amalgamando cinco partes, que poderiam ser lidas como cinco romances independentes. A principal e mais longa ecoa em todas as outras, sobre assassinatos e estupros seriais de centenas de mulheres pobres, ao longo de anos, em Santa Teresa, uma cidade mexicana perto da fronteira norte-americana. Todas as vítimas são empregadas de “maquiladoras”, fábricas norte-americanas que se aproveitam dos baixos custos e exportam tudo de volta aos EUA. O local é uma versão fictícia de Ciudad Juárez, onde no mesmo período, muitas mulheres foram assassinadas.

Bolaño costuma ser apontado como o maior escritor latino-americano desde Gabriel García Márquez, tendo vivido como artista andarilho, marginal e boêmio até 2003, quando faleceu aos 50 anos pelas complicações hepáticas resultantes do uso de heroína em anos …

Review of '2666' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

For a whole week I was immersed in Bolaño’s strange, dark and haunted world.

2666, is divided into five connected sections, each could be a novel in its own right (actually, when I finished it, I read that Bolaño had expressed the wish to be published separately, but it was ignored by its executors). It starts with five literary promiscuous academics from different European countries. They are united by their obsession with a German obscure and reclusive novelist called Benno von Archimboldi. Little are known about him. He is old and very tall. He disappeared in his early thirties and only a few people, most of them now dead, have met him. He moves a lot, he have lived in various places and countries. One day the five academics learn that Archimboldi has been spotted in northern Mexico and following the evidence they arrive in Santa Teresa, a provincial, ugly …

Review of '2666' on 'LibraryThing'

4 stars

I received Roberto Bolano's posthumous novel 2666 for Xmas. And I just finished it this week. It was very good but very dense. I needed to keep on taking breaks to let things seep. Happily, the organization of the book lent itself well to that. There are five parts, each of which could stand alone (though in my opinion each would suffer for it), but which all circle the same area. So, my review.returnreturnThe Part About The Critics. This section feels like an Umberto Eco novel in some ways. Mostly because it's about European literary academics who are all specialists on this obscure German writer, Archimboldi. There are four of them, three men and a woman, and it charts how they came to their field and became acquaintances allies and lovers, because of this writer. They decide they have to find him and head to Santa Teresa, Mexico where there …

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  • Missing persons
  • Serial murders
  • Fiction


  • Mexico
