eBook, 328 pages

Swedish language

Published Feb. 28, 2012 by Bonnier Carlsen Bokförlag.

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4 stars (47 reviews)

De två första delarna i trilogin om Hungerspelen har gått som en raket på den litterära himeln, bland annat som etta på New York Times bestseller-lista. Förväntningarna på del tre är enorma.

Rebellerna har gjort uppror. Katniss är räddad. Distrikt 12 ligger i ruiner. Peeta är kvar i huvudstadens våld. Finns verkligen distrikt 13? Kommer Katniss och Peeta att återförenas eller tar huvudstaden Peeta från henne. Var är hennes mamma och lillasyster? Och vilka andra från distrikt 12 har undkommit?

I de två första delarna av Hungerspelen vävde Suzanne Collins en otroligt tät intrig, nu kommer upplösningen. Hungerspelen har blivit en internationell försäljningssuccé världen över.

55 editions

Review of 'Mockingjay\r\n \r\n Hunger Games Quality' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Thirteen was used to hardship, whereas in the Capitol, all they’ve known is Panem at Circenses.

Finally, I have finished the original trilogy of The Hunger Games! Since I had seen Part 1 of the movie (I finished everything but the last three chapters before watching Part 2), much of this book was of little surprise to me. There is somewhat less action here than in Catching Fire, since a lot of the first part is mostly Katniss reacting to the events of the previous book and recuperating from all that has occurred. However, where Mockingjay shines is its turn towards the political machinations that underlie the narrative and the goals idealized by the rebels against the Capitol. As such, the focus necessarily shifts away from the characters, though we do get some interesting reversals of expectations here. Certain characters are shadier, feel a bit unfamiliar compared to …

Review of 'Mockingjay Hunger Games 3' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

A cracking good series this was, unlike other series this one knew when to stop, instead of dragging things out.

The final book is just as brutal as the first two and there are very few dull moments. I'm not too sure how I feel about the ending, those I liked got killed and those I was happy to see killed off survived.

I liked the writing style and the plot seems to have been well organised, it will be interesting to see what Suzanne Collins can come up with next.

Review of 'Mockingjay Hunger Games 3' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

[Spoilers for book 1 and 2 of the series]

I first read this book two or three years ago and didn't remember much about it. Now, having read it again I was totally blown away with this book. I totally forgot how much I loved the "The Hunger Games" series and am glad to have picked up the book again before watching the movie (which is totally awesome guys!). I loved how the characters were portrayed and think that the character development was extremely well done.

The focus on the last book of the trilogy lies on politics, how the lines between good and bad blur during a war and how everybody just wants to win no matter the costs.
It was also a very emotional read that made me cry, especially in the last part of the book. Katniss who has always been so strong seems to break in …

Review of 'Mockingjay [sound recording]' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Wow! I was definitely right that the second book was more of a segue than anything else. This book took the characters from the previous two and put them in interesting and different situations. It had them all growing emotionally, and we could see the growth happening! It was extremely well written, and the plot, while there was nothing unrelated, it was totally unexpected. It was a fabulous ending to the story, and although it left you caring about the characters, it didn't leave you hanging. And although some of the characters who were killed left a hole in your "heart", always necessary. It was a truly satisfying conclusion.
It is too bad that I only felt comfortable giving the second book in the trilogy three stars. To not take that to mean that it's not worthwhile! The three books all count on each other and require each other. And …

Review of 'Mockingjay\r\n \r\n Hunger Games Quality' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

You know, for what this book is? It was good. Probably the strongest of the three books in both character and story.

On the other hand, I can see how people could really hate this book after loving the first two. Mostly based on two reasons:

1) It's a completely different sort of book. [b:The Hunger Games|2767052|The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games, #1)|Suzanne Collins|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1337857402s/2767052.jpg|2792775] and [b:Catching Fire|6148028|Catching Fire (The Hunger Games, #2)|Suzanne Collins|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1268805322s/6148028.jpg|6171458] were more or less 75% Romance/Relationship based & 25% Dystopian Rebellion on the side. Mockingjay was more like 90% Dystopian Rebellion and War Novel and maybe 10% tragic, dysfunctional romance. If you were expecting anything like the first two books--you were very quickly informed otherwise. Instead of Katniss trying to figure out what Peeta's (non-existent) game is, or Katniss figuring out her own feelings for Peeta, we got war training, fighting, blood & gore, mind-trips, tyrannical leaderships, …

Review of 'Mockingjay\r\n \r\n Hunger Games Quality' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I'm not really sure what to do with this. It's a satisfying solution which even takes into account all possible repercussions, but it didn't blow me off my feet. It was about as predictable as the first two books, so not much really came as a surprise. I still stand by my opinion that these books are light entertainment (despite the depressing topic).

Review of 'Mockingjay Hunger Games 3' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

It would have been easy to make Mockingjay a repeat of either of the first two books but it does change direction. It feels much more like a war story however the plot seems to go on and on, like she can't quite work out what she wanted to include so she put everything in. I enjoyed the world and was attached to the characters enough to keep going but I felt it could have done with a good prune at the editing stage.

Still, I shed a few tears at the end.

Review of 'Mockingjay\r\n \r\n Hunger Games Quality' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I've had several other adults tell me this book was a disturbing ending to the series. I however found it to be right in the vein of the story told in the first two books. These books are not light feel good reading but rather thought provoking and captivating. If you want to feel invested in the characters read the series if you want "everything is wonderful" literature then this is not for you.

Review of 'Mockingjay\r\n \r\n Hunger Games Quality' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Ein fulminantes Ende der Panem-Trilogie

Katniss wurde gerettet, Peeta ist gefangen im Kapitol. Die Distrikte ertrinken in Panik, Not und Hilflosigkeit. Eine Gruppe von Menschen versucht, das Kapitol zu stürzen und Frieden in das Land zu bringen. Und Katniss soll die Aktion anführen: Als Spotttölpel symbolisiert sie die Kraft und Stimme der Menschen.

Es herrscht Krieg. Zerstörung. Tod. Mitnichten ist diese Jugendbuchreihe leichte Kost. Es wundert mich, das dieses Buch für Jugendliche ab 12 Jahre empfohlen wird. Dieses Buch ist real geschrieben, keine unschönen Beschreibungen werden ausgelassen und es passieren furchtbare Dinge. Gerade diesen dritten Band würde ich keinen Jugendlichen unter 15 in die Hände geben.
Natürlich kommt es immer darauf an, wie man ein Buch liest. Will man auf die Liebesgeschichte aus (die eigentlich nur eine Nebenrolle spielt), so liest man das Buch schnell durch und bemerkt die Schrecklichkeit vielleicht gar nicht. Wer aber dieses ganze tragische Geschehen Wort …

Review of 'Mockingjay Hunger Games 3' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

I don't feel like Mockingjay was as good as it could have been. I feel that it started well - lots of things happening and lots of detail. But the ending seemed kinda weak. It was almost as if the author had been writing it and found herself getting tired of the story and just wanted to wrap things up as quickly as possible.

The story as a whole wasn't entirely predictable, though it did have moments where you could guess what was going to happen. I just feel like Katniss lost her fire towards the end, and granted, she was probably exhausted by physically and mentally, but the girl who was on fire for two and half books seemed very much extinguished. And I just feel like after building up certain ideas throughout the whole trilogy and to a larger degree in this final book - for example Katniss' …

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