Oof. This book is a lot of things, and most of all it is extremely overhyped. Yes, the premise and the worldbuilding are pretty cool. The dragons are frickin' awesome and are, tbh, the only thing that make this book really worth reading. But to get to that part, you will have to wade through 500 pages of very tedious high school-esque drama, aka the neverending Violet-Xaden vicious circle of cringeworthy discussions loaded with sexual tension that end in nothingness. Honestly, by the third time I reached a chapter of them kinda-but-not-really talking and just getting horny, I started skimming these parts of the book, because I just couldn't bear it anymore. Also, that ending is a whole new kind of WTF and has me wonder if the last book will just turn everything on its head again.
It could have been an excellent book, if only it had 300 …
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I like fantasy, science fiction, dystopian fiction, speculative fiction, magical realism, post-apocalypse, and the occasional mystery. I'm also a (board|video|roleplaying) gamer, web 1.0 coder and linguist.
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adastra reviewed Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros (The Empyrean, #2)
Review of 'Iron Flame' on 'Goodreads'
2 stars
Oof. This book is a lot of things, and most of all it is extremely overhyped. Yes, the premise and the worldbuilding are pretty cool. The dragons are frickin' awesome and are, tbh, the only thing that make this book really worth reading. But to get to that part, you will have to wade through 500 pages of very tedious high school-esque drama, aka the neverending Violet-Xaden vicious circle of cringeworthy discussions loaded with sexual tension that end in nothingness. Honestly, by the third time I reached a chapter of them kinda-but-not-really talking and just getting horny, I started skimming these parts of the book, because I just couldn't bear it anymore. Also, that ending is a whole new kind of WTF and has me wonder if the last book will just turn everything on its head again.
It could have been an excellent book, if only it had 300 instead of 623 pages, and if it would have put it's best characters at the center - Tairn, Andarna, Sgaeyl and all the other dragons.
adastra reviewed Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros (The Empyrean, #1)
Review of 'Fourth Wing' on 'Goodreads'
3 stars
I jumped on the hype train with this book, mainly because the premise sounded interesting - a dragon riding college? But I admit that this is the first ever "romance" book I've read, and I'm not sure what to make of that regarding this book. In my opinion, there wasn't really much romance in this book, but rather quite a lot of horniness. Which ironically is also what I liked least about this book (aside from its very militaristic nature). I think it could have been an infinitely better book without the main character constantly salivating over some guy, who no less is supposedly the son of someone who killed her brother? WTF??? I get that it serves to illustrate that not everything is black and white, but I found it cringe at times.
What I did like about the book is the worldbuilding (again, minus the militaristic nature). The …
I jumped on the hype train with this book, mainly because the premise sounded interesting - a dragon riding college? But I admit that this is the first ever "romance" book I've read, and I'm not sure what to make of that regarding this book. In my opinion, there wasn't really much romance in this book, but rather quite a lot of horniness. Which ironically is also what I liked least about this book (aside from its very militaristic nature). I think it could have been an infinitely better book without the main character constantly salivating over some guy, who no less is supposedly the son of someone who killed her brother? WTF??? I get that it serves to illustrate that not everything is black and white, but I found it cringe at times.
What I did like about the book is the worldbuilding (again, minus the militaristic nature). The dragons are pretty cool, as is the magic system of bonding to magical creatures. It's a very decent entry-level fantasy book, which is well written and mostly well-paced (but IMHO could also have been condensed in some aspects).
Does it live up to the hype? I don't think so. Will I still read book 2 and 3? Definitely.
adastra reviewed Toll by Neal Shusterman
Review of 'Toll' on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
Finally, the conclusion to the Arc of a Scythe series. This book is, like all books in the series, extremely well written an a joy to read. I love how it uses "mystical" religious writings to establish its lore. And this is where it all comes together, and this universe becomes ever bigger.
I particularly enjoyed reading about how a seemingly ridiculous idea has grown into a full-fledged religion, including the most un-prophety prophet one could imagine. Even beyond the tonists, this book has so many interesting things that give you food for thought. The Thunderhead seems like a benevolent ChatGPT, and it makes one wonder if this is a future we're heading into - but I think ours will be much darker.
What could have been better was the pacing (again) - the story focuses a lot on some aspects of the story, but others, the ones you really …
Finally, the conclusion to the Arc of a Scythe series. This book is, like all books in the series, extremely well written an a joy to read. I love how it uses "mystical" religious writings to establish its lore. And this is where it all comes together, and this universe becomes ever bigger.
I particularly enjoyed reading about how a seemingly ridiculous idea has grown into a full-fledged religion, including the most un-prophety prophet one could imagine. Even beyond the tonists, this book has so many interesting things that give you food for thought. The Thunderhead seems like a benevolent ChatGPT, and it makes one wonder if this is a future we're heading into - but I think ours will be much darker.
What could have been better was the pacing (again) - the story focuses a lot on some aspects of the story, but others, the ones you really want to know about, are few and far between.
I greatly enjoyed reading this series, as it evident from me having read this 600+ page book within two days.
adastra reviewed Thunderhead by Neal Shusterman (Arc of a Scythe, #2)
Review of 'Thunderhead' on 'Goodreads'
4 stars
What a strange ride. The first half of the book suffers a bit from pacing issues. Introducing new characters and spending a bit too much time of them instead of the main characters tended to get a bit too tedious for me.
Then halfway through the book, you're hit with a huge WTF moment, that makes you question the rules of this universe. But what are the rules in a post-mortality society anyway? The return of Goddard was this WTF moment. He was supposed to be dead dead, and that was the highlight of book one. Bringing him back cheapens that... but in hindsight, also send a message about how you can seemingly never get rid of people like him. He's very much a Trump-like character, and there will always be insane, power-hungry people like him.
A lot of this book is also a setup for Book 3 (I assume), …
What a strange ride. The first half of the book suffers a bit from pacing issues. Introducing new characters and spending a bit too much time of them instead of the main characters tended to get a bit too tedious for me.
Then halfway through the book, you're hit with a huge WTF moment, that makes you question the rules of this universe. But what are the rules in a post-mortality society anyway? The return of Goddard was this WTF moment. He was supposed to be dead dead, and that was the highlight of book one. Bringing him back cheapens that... but in hindsight, also send a message about how you can seemingly never get rid of people like him. He's very much a Trump-like character, and there will always be insane, power-hungry people like him.
A lot of this book is also a setup for Book 3 (I assume), and the most interesting plot line is left open. Let's see how that ends.
adastra reviewed Scythe (Arc of a Scythe, #1) by Neal Shusterman
Review of 'Scythe (Arc of a Scythe, #1)' on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
I found this book in the public bookshelf on a Saturday morning. Usually the books in there are literal trash, and it's rare to find a good book in good condition, let alone in English. This one was such a find, the cover art was striking, and after reading the description, my interest was piqued. Dystopian is my thing.
Well, I read half the book by Sunday, and finished reading it in 5 days. Is it a good book? I think that's a matter of debate, it has a few flaws here and there, like the completely and utterly unnecessary romance, but that's just young adult fiction for you. Nevertheless, I really enjoyed reading it, it's an very interesting, very dystopian concept with an extra dash of the macabre.
adastra rated Red Rising: 3 stars
adastra reviewed First Shift Legacy by Hugh Howey (Shift, #1)
Review of 'First Shift Legacy' on 'Goodreads'
2 stars
The tagline on the cover of this book says "Some secrets should remain buried", and I have to totally agree with that. This book is 99% a prequel to Wool, and IMHO completely unnecessary. It explains how the world came to be what it is, how the silos were created, and why things happened the way they happened. But why would I want to know this? Not knowing every detail of these things is what made this world so interesting for me in the first place.
It also doesn't help that the main character is called Donald of all names... and does some incredibly stupid things, especially at the end of the book. It's absolutely unfathomable to me why he did what he did to Anna. Why?? WTF? Also, reading about Jimmy's solitude became really boring really fast.
Not to mention the frustration of just wanting to know how Juliette's …
The tagline on the cover of this book says "Some secrets should remain buried", and I have to totally agree with that. This book is 99% a prequel to Wool, and IMHO completely unnecessary. It explains how the world came to be what it is, how the silos were created, and why things happened the way they happened. But why would I want to know this? Not knowing every detail of these things is what made this world so interesting for me in the first place.
It also doesn't help that the main character is called Donald of all names... and does some incredibly stupid things, especially at the end of the book. It's absolutely unfathomable to me why he did what he did to Anna. Why?? WTF? Also, reading about Jimmy's solitude became really boring really fast.
Not to mention the frustration of just wanting to know how Juliette's story continues and not getting that satisfaction.
Altogether, a very mediocre sequel to an okay first book. I hope the final book is better.
adastra reviewed Wool by Hugh Howey
Review of 'Wool' on 'Goodreads'
4 stars
I read this book after I watched the TV adaption, which covers only the first half of the book. While I enjoyed reading it and learning about the story beyond what is portrayed in the TV show, I have to say that the TV show improved this in every possible way. Literally all the characters have much more depth in the TV show, and they even added a lot of plot points that just make this world way more intriguing.
It's still an enjoyable read, and I love this type of dystopian fiction. I'll continue by reading the two other books in the series to find out how the story progresses.
Review of 'Unwritten Vol. 1: Tommy Taylor and the Bogus Identity' on 'Goodreads'
3 stars
I think I read the first ~3 volumes and then gave up in this. While it's mildly interesting and the idea seems intriguing, I found it not engaging enough to make me keep reading.
adastra rated Promethea (Book 1): 4 stars

Promethea (Book 1) by Alan Moore (Promethea, #1)
adastra reviewed Bullet Journal Method by Ryder Carroll
adastra reviewed Marvel 1602 by Neil Gaiman
Review of 'Marvel 1602' on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
What a fun little novel. I wish they'd adapt this in the MCU, it would actually fit into the current Marvel storylines very well. But I guess the X-Men are the problem here.
adastra rated Locke & Key: 4 stars

Locke & Key by Joe Hill, Gabriel Rodriguez (Locke & Key, #1)
Locke & Key tells of Keyhouse, an unlikely New England mansion, with fantastic doors that transform all who dare to …
adastra reviewed How to Change Your Mind by Michael Pollan
Review of 'How to Change Your Mind' on 'Goodreads'
4 stars
This is a very interesting book, though perhaps a bit too verbose in places. I could easily have skipped the whole history of psychelics, as I was primarily interested in the neurological and psychological aspects.