
The Collected and Unpublished Writings of Mark Fisher

Paperback, 817 pages

English language

Published Nov. 14, 2018 by Repeater.

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4 stars (4 reviews)

Fisher died in January 2017, but his writings —on his blog K-Punk, in publications such as The Wire and in books like Capitalist Realism— have had a lasting impact on the UK dance scene. K-Punk is an anthology of Mark's published and unpublished writings. With a Foreword by music journalist, Simon Reynolds.

1 edition

Goodreads Review of k-punk: The Collected and Unpublished Writings of Mark Fisher

4 stars

This book took me the better part of three months to complete, as I'd get lost in some of the chapters, which--given that they're largely blog posts--are of inconsistent quality. The best chapters, in my view, are those on politics and "reflections." This brings me to my next point, part of the weakness of the book is the way that it's organized. Having it broken down into "literature," "film and television," "music," "politics," "reflections," and so on works well if you're to use this book as a reference. But, if you use it as I did--to get a sample of Fisher's thought--between 2003 and 2016, the organizational structure is rough. It would have been much better-off if organized chronologically. If it had been, we'd see Fisher's post-CCRU blitzing style give way to more expository and reflective writing. We see this somewhat within each section, but each complete section means we …