Interzone #271 (July-August 2017)


English language

Published June 30, 2017 by TTA Press.

4 stars (1 review)

1 edition

An above average issue of Interzone.

4 stars

An interesting set of stories featured in this issue. The 'superhero' story by Michael Reid, a dramatic survival story on Titan by Chris Barnham and a fascinating, biological change to women that terrifies societies by Andy Dudak are the stand-outs in this issue.

  • "The Rocket Farmer" by Julie C. Day: a story about an unusual family with an unusual occupation. Through an unknown process, the family can 'grow' rockets. But most of the rockets don't grow properly and fail, except for one who appears to be waiting for a particular passenger.

  • "Gods in the Blood (of those who rise)" by Tim Casson: a story about a teacher in a special school that may be hiding children that are different from others: smarter and stronger. Referencing an ancient tale about fitting in, the teacher discovers he may have inadvertently exposed them, leading him into real danger.

  • "If Your Powers Fail You …