Andy Cox (Editor): Interzone #271 (July-August 2017) (EBook, 2017, TTA Press) 4 stars

An above average issue of Interzone.

4 stars

An interesting set of stories featured in this issue. The 'superhero' story by Michael Reid, a dramatic survival story on Titan by Chris Barnham and a fascinating, biological change to women that terrifies societies by Andy Dudak are the stand-outs in this issue.

  • "The Rocket Farmer" by Julie C. Day: a story about an unusual family with an unusual occupation. Through an unknown process, the family can 'grow' rockets. But most of the rockets don't grow properly and fail, except for one who appears to be waiting for a particular passenger.

  • "Gods in the Blood (of those who rise)" by Tim Casson: a story about a teacher in a special school that may be hiding children that are different from others: smarter and stronger. Referencing an ancient tale about fitting in, the teacher discovers he may have inadvertently exposed them, leading him into real danger.

  • "If Your Powers Fail You in a City Under Tin" by Michael Reid: a fascinating story about a time when a rift has let in a tentacled monster but has also gifted individuals with magical powers. The story starts with a teenager with such powers missing his partner who is on a UN mission. As the days pass without news, he grows anxious and finally decides that he has no choice but to use his power to find him. But this is not without risks, for he has little control over it and the last time he used it, it caused his mother to vanish.

  • "Chubba Luna" by Eliot Fintushel: a standard story about couples meant for each other; except when they aren't, in a future setting with music by 'Chubba Luna' as a background theme.

  • "When I Close My Eyes" by Chris Barnham: a rock fall on Saturn's moon Titan nearly kills as astronaut exploring a cave system. As he struggles to get back out, he is haunted by visions of his dead wife, who was killed in an accident. But the visions may help to save him as his discovers that the rock fall is no ordinary one but caused by an external agent; if he can only get the news out about the discovery.

  • "Cryptic Female Choice" by Andy Dudak: a fascinating exploration of a future where a choice has been given to women. Not the usual choice of having a baby or not, but the ability to choose which genetic features from the sperm will be inherited by the child. In a chilling series of flashes, the women goes through the males she had mated with, deciding what to give to her child while reflecting on the violent changes society has gone through due to the ability.