Rivers of London

, #1

392 pages

English language

Published May 25, 2011

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4 stars (45 reviews)

Rivers of London (Midnight Riot in the US) is the first novel in the Peter Grant series by English author Ben Aaronovitch. The novel was released on 10 January 2011 through Gollancz and was well received by critics, earning a Galaxy National Book Awards nomination for Aaronovitch in the New Writer of the Year award.

5 editions

Review of 'Rivers of London' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

So I absolutely adored this comic, the perfect compliment to the PC Peter Grant series.

One thing I have always loved about the PC Peter Grant series is that it describes a London that I feel like I really know. It's diverse and place of many different cultures, not just in the people, but the locations too and Ben does a great job of capturing that in this comic, much like in the novel.

The story is gripping and fits well with the novels, and there's a few shorts in the end which show a bit more detail around some of the characters lives. Which is kinda funny and shows insight that you don't really get in the novels.

This is going to be one of those comics I recommend to everyone I think. Then again the whole universe is so maybe I'm biased.

Review of 'Rivers of London' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Peter Grant is contemplating his future career in the Metropolitan Police when he sees a ghost. This ghost happens to also be a material witness in a beheading and leads Peter into poking around where he shouldn’t with his partner Lesley (who is destined for greater things than him). Soon Peter discovers there’s a lot more to London than meets the eye.

Rivers of London started off on the right foot. Despite it being urban fantasy, I found the police aspects refreshingly realistic. So often, crime fiction glamorises policing but this is quite matter of fact; Peter is looking at a career in administration. There’s some great dry humour amongst the pages too. The London setting is crucial to the plot; from the personification of the rivers to the history behind the supernatural killings. As Peter walks the streets he takes a huge interest in the things that happened, perhaps …

reviewed Rivers of London by Ben Aaronovitch (Rivers of London, #1)

Review of 'Rivers of London' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This is a great book. I love the idea of a department of the Met that deals with the supernatural and magic.

Constable Peter Grant is not really much of a copper and is destined to a dreary life on the beat, until a chance encounter with a ghost leads him on another career path within the Met, that of a magician.

The way that Ben Aaronovitch mixes up myth with places from London is very reminiscent of Neil Gaimens Neverwhere. The fact that lead character, Peter Grant, has to actually study and learn magic is very refreshing - it beats most other stories where the character discovers he has magical abilities and then in a few pages is master.
I listened to the Audible audiobook of this which is narrated by Kobna Holdbrook-Smith who is hands down one of the best narrators on audible, he really can make the …

Review of 'Die Flüsse von London' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Meine Meinung:

Schon nach der ersten Seite hatte mich dieser Roman überzeugt. Dieser Humor, den der Autor den gesamten Roman über nicht verliert, ist einzigartig und witzig! In einer ironisch und sarkastischen Art, kann man den Humor eigentlich gar nicht als typisch Britisch beschreiben, aber dennoch sieht man die Hauptperson (Peter) als "typischen" Briten und Londoner vor sich. (Schon allein der Name - Peter Grant.)

Aber nicht nur der Humor macht dieses Buch zu einem Schatz! Die Grundidee, die Story, die Figuren, der Schreibstil, die Dialoge. Eigentlich könnte ich alles aufzählen (bis auf das Cover! Ugh!). Auch die Kulisse ist interessant, die Abgründe Londons. Für Leute, die selbst schon in London waren, waren die Schauplätze sicherlich noch interessanter, denn der Autor nennt sehr viele. Nicht allein auf Grund der Personen.

Obwohl bei Personen muss ich konkret werden. Denn es gibt nicht nur menschliche Personen. Es gibt Geister, Vampire, Magier - …

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