JavaScript: The Good Parts

Working with the Shallow Grain of JavaScript

Paperback, 250 pages

English language

Published May 15, 2008 by O'Reilly Media, Inc..

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4 stars (36 reviews)

JavaScript, having been developed and released in a hurry before it could be refined, has more than its share of the bad parts. This book scrapes away these bad features to reveal a JavaScript subset that's more reliable, readable, and maintainable than the language as a whole-a subset you can use to create extensible and efficient code. (back cover copy)

1 edition

Review of 'JavaScript: The Good Parts' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

I was never going to be thrilled with this book because ugh, javascript.
But I was expecting more than a typical 2-star throwaway tech book. It was hard to get past the inconsistency (globals variables are bad, let's tack new methods onto global prototype objects!), bad editing, and repetition (I think one code snippet was repeated a total of 3 times).

A lot of people seem to like this book. If the idea of subsetting a language to produce a better variant is new to you, or if you've been stuck in the javascript salt mines, without noticing the river Lisp curving its way through them, or perhaps if protypical inheritance is a new concept for you, I can see how it could be a breath of fresh air. None of that holds for me, so it wasn't. The javascript subset he comes up with seems rather clumsy, and verbose, โ€ฆ


  • Java & variants
  • Computers
  • Computers - Languages / Programming
  • Computer Books: Languages
  • Programming Languages - CGI, Javascript, Perl, VBScript
  • Computers / Languages / Programming
  • Computers / Programming Languages / CGI, JavaScript, Perl, VBScript
  • JavaScript, functional, regular expression, prototype, object, arrays, efficient
  • Internet - Web Site Design
  • Programming - Software Development