読書狂 reviewed Lords and Ladies by Terry Pratchett (Discworld, #14)
took me a while to get through
3 stars
Content warning mild spoilers about the Final Battle
my ereader says this took me a full month to read, which is unusually long for me with discworld books. i think i finally figured out what it is i don't like about it though, which is that the books are kinda mean to Magrat. not just that Granny is mean to Magrat, that's just Granny, she's low key (high key) mean to everyone. but like, the book itself kinda treats Magrat like she's not worth much? and even when she gets herself together and decides to defend herself, it doesn't seem to go very far? like, she rocks up to the Final Battle, but then Granny just swoops in to save the day again. i mean, i like Granny, mostly, i like all the witches, but all that meanness just turned me off, and kinda tainted the rest of the book for me.