Wächter der Nacht

Roman , #1

Paperback, 525 pages

German language

Published April 1, 2010 by Heyne Verlag.

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4 stars (4 reviews)

In Russland das Kultbuch schlechthin und erfolgreicher als »Der Herr der Ringe« oder »Harry Potter«: Sergej Lukianenkos »Wächter der Nacht« – eine einzigartige Mischung aus Fantasy und Horror über den ewigen Kampf zwischen den Mächten des Lichts und der Finsternis. Auf Grundlage dieses Romans entstand der erfolgreichste russische Film aller Zeiten.

1 edition

reviewed Wächter der Nacht by Sergei Lukyanenko (Die Wächter-Romane, #1)

Review of 'Wächter der Nacht' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I first read this when I was a teenager and loved the series. Now re-reading it 15 years later I'm not so sure any more.

Maybe I have read too many American voices over the past years, but I found the writing strange. There is no easy resolve, stories end on a cliffhanger and you can guess what happened, but you'll only find out reading the next story. I don't remember finding that annoying during my first read, but this time I find it weird. I think I'm going to re-read at least the second novel, maybe the old magic is coming back eventually.

But then maybe it's just an age thing. Much like Anton I'm doubtful of this good vs. evil dynamic the two watches have built over the past. Maybe I simply didn't see that yet when I was a teen.

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