Jaguar morphs
Uuuh ok this is a slightly unexpected story because it has time travel. I thought it was mostly quite enjoyable, except that the folks in the rain forest seemed a bit exotisised to me.
Published Jan. 1, 1999 by Ravensburger Buchverlag.
There's been an accident. Someone crash-landed a Yeerk Bug fighter. And the Yeerks have been trying to cover it up - quickly. But not before Tobias spots it. So the Animorphs and Ax decide to steal the ship to show the world that Earth has been invaded.
That's when things go terribly wrong. Before they know it, Jake, the Animorphs, and Ax find themselves in another place. Another time. And there's no way home...
Uuuh ok this is a slightly unexpected story because it has time travel. I thought it was mostly quite enjoyable, except that the folks in the rain forest seemed a bit exotisised to me.
A little absurd, but not a bad story.
Fun fluff series that gets less and less fluff over time.