It is the fourteenth century and one of the most apocalyptic events in human history is set to occur—the coming of the Black Death. History teaches us that a third of Europe’s population was destroyed. But what if the plague had killed 99 percent of the population instead? How would the world have changed? This is a look at the history that could have been—one that stretches across centuries, sees dynasties and nations rise and crumble, and spans horrible famine and magnificent innovation.
Through the eyes of soldiers and kings, explorers and philosophers, slaves and scholars, Robinson navigates a world where Buddhism and Islam are the most influential and practiced religions, while Christianity is merely a historical footnote. Probing the most profound questions as only he can, Robinson shines his extraordinary light on the place of religion, culture, power—and even love—in this bold New World.
An enjoyable alternative history of epic propotions
3 stars
Starting with the black death plague one could expect a normal alternative history but instead we are delivered with something more. The link of characters helps anchor the story and makes the world deeper and I enjoyed thinking about the connections and the altering of what I expected
Uchronie : la Peste Noire fait de l’Europe un désert.
5 stars
L’idée est simple : au lieu de liquider un tiers de la population européenne, la Peste Noire de la fin du Moyen Âge ne laisse personne, et l’Europe devient un désert. Évidemment l’Histoire prend une toute autre tournure : le Nouveau Monde est envahi par les Chinois et les Arabes ; la France est recolonisée depuis l’Andalousie par les soufis et la Scandinavie par la Horde d’Or ; la science moderne apparaît à Samarcande ; les Indiens font la révolution industrielle et s’étendent aussi vite que les Européens au XIXè siècle ; la Guerre Mondiale est pire que celles que nous avons connues…
Comme dans la trilogie de SF martienne, Robinson veut que le lecteur s’attache aux personnages malgré une histoire étalée sur des siècles. En science-fiction il pouvait allonger leur vie grâce à la médecine, mais ici l’expédient est plus radical : ils se réincarnent. Après tout, le bouddhisme …
L’idée est simple : au lieu de liquider un tiers de la population européenne, la Peste Noire de la fin du Moyen Âge ne laisse personne, et l’Europe devient un désert. Évidemment l’Histoire prend une toute autre tournure : le Nouveau Monde est envahi par les Chinois et les Arabes ; la France est recolonisée depuis l’Andalousie par les soufis et la Scandinavie par la Horde d’Or ; la science moderne apparaît à Samarcande ; les Indiens font la révolution industrielle et s’étendent aussi vite que les Européens au XIXè siècle ; la Guerre Mondiale est pire que celles que nous avons connues…
Comme dans la trilogie de SF martienne, Robinson veut que le lecteur s’attache aux personnages malgré une histoire étalée sur des siècles. En science-fiction il pouvait allonger leur vie grâce à la médecine, mais ici l’expédient est plus radical : ils se réincarnent. Après tout, le bouddhisme et l’Islam influencé par le bouddhisme le permettent. On suit donc K., B., I., P., S. au fil des siècles, de leurs changements de noms (ils ne conservent que l’initiale), de sexe, même, de leurs sauts d’une civilisation à l’autre, et de leurs réunions dans le bardo, entre deux réincarnations. Chacun est un archétype (K. le révolté, I. le scientifique…). Il n’y a pas vraiment d’intrigue, les personnages sont tous emportés par l’évolution du monde tout en faisant parti des minorités qui font l’histoire. Contrairement à la plupart des livres, on peut réellement craindre pour leur vie à chaque page.
Review of 'The Years of Rice and Salt' on 'Goodreads'
2 stars
"The Years of Rice and Salt" is a novel with a good idea with less-than-artful execution. I am big fan of alternate history and there are a number of things I like about the premise. One is that the novel looks at one change and shows its ripple effect across centuries. Two is that it generally looks at the lives of ordinary people, especially women, in the various locations and time periods. Third is that the vision that is presented of the future is not overly optimistic or pessimistic. Too often, the genre can be dystopian or apocalyptic and show a future vastly different than our own. But I think one of the novel's strengths is that it shows how many things would have developed along similar lines as they have in our history. Science and technology remain bound by the same laws, even if the locations in which they …
"The Years of Rice and Salt" is a novel with a good idea with less-than-artful execution. I am big fan of alternate history and there are a number of things I like about the premise. One is that the novel looks at one change and shows its ripple effect across centuries. Two is that it generally looks at the lives of ordinary people, especially women, in the various locations and time periods. Third is that the vision that is presented of the future is not overly optimistic or pessimistic. Too often, the genre can be dystopian or apocalyptic and show a future vastly different than our own. But I think one of the novel's strengths is that it shows how many things would have developed along similar lines as they have in our history. Science and technology remain bound by the same laws, even if the locations in which they were discovered or created differed. Fourth, I liked the way that those discoveries took on different terminologies given the different intellectual sources in the world. For example, electricity becomes qi and climate change becomes balance with nature. Fifth, I like some of the interesting turns the history takes - the pioneers resettling Firanja (Europe), the Renaissance in Samarkand, how the Americas being discovered from West to East would have affected the development of the continent, the rise of the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) league as a major global power, the Industrial Revolution in India, and groups of scientists in peacetime being able to keep the ideas that could lead to the atomic bomb a secret. Lastly, I like the reincarnation premise and, for the most part, it works.
But I do think that the novel suffers from a number of narrative flaws. The novel is divided into ten parts and not all ten parts are equal. I feel that the novel is stronger it its earlier chapters. They are rich with detail and ideas. But from the contemporary 19th century to the present (the last three to four chapters), I feel that Robinson wanted to rush to get to his ending. And I don't feel like the ending was completely earned. In fact, I feel the quality of the writing was less strong in these later chapters. Granted, the novel is nearly 800 pages but I would have rather had a 1000 page novel with more consistency. And these last chapters become deep philosophical meditations on history. While they are wonderful in and of themselves, I found them a bit too abstract and not well-integrated into the narrative.
Robinson also tried to write the chapters in different styles but I really didn't notice beyond the first chapter and in the later chapters when characters began to get self-referential. I feel like a novel that did this technique to perfection was "Cloud Atlas" by David Mitchell where the six stories really do feel like they were written by different authors.
I also have problems is with one of its central premises - that Christianity would have disappeared completely. To say that Christianity would have disappeared with the destruction of Europe ignores the presence of a large Oriental Christian community in the Middle East, India, and even China. This community split off from the Council of Chalcedon in 451 and they exist today in groups like the Coptic Christians and the Syriac Christians in India. This group was sizable (large than Europe) and would not have been affected by the plague that killed off Europe. It only started declining deeply in the 14th Century. A few other points that I would contest: would Buddhism have taken on as large of a role in the world? Did there need to be an earth-shattering conflagration in the middle of the 20th Century?
In the end, I enjoyed reading the novel but not as much as I would have liked. I think that other authors in the genre have done things better and with more artistry. But I cannot deny that the novel has immense imagination and is worth picking up if you have the time.
Review of 'The Years of Rice and Salt' on 'Goodreads'
4 stars
Et si 99% de la population européenne était morte au Moyen-Âge lors de l'épidémie de peste ? L'histoire aurait été différente, et le monde aurait été dominé par les civilisations arabe et chinoise. C'est le point de départ de cette uchronie plutôt réussie. Certains passages sont un peu longuets, mais l'ensemble du roman est plaisant, parfois passionnant, et la fin m'a bien plu.
Review of 'The Years of Rice and Salt' on 'LibraryThing'
5 stars
A book about our place in the world and the eternal question of how to live well, disguised as a novel. It's a long read, best savoured slowly over a stretch of time. It's too easy to become impatient and rush through to the "good bits" of action and excitement, and miss the thought-provoking substance.
It is less a fantasy or science fiction work than a tribute to our potential as a species, seen through an Eastern lens that is not often considered in Robinson's English-speaking target audience.