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Allen Shull

Joined 1 year, 10 months ago

I teach college English. I’m working on my PhD in English. I speak English. But at the same time, I’m American.
 I’m just this guy, you know?

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Decent case studies, but brief

No rating

For a book that decries Trump’s construction of false memory in its final chapters, how ironic that it opens with the Trumpian (this is a paraphrase) “nobody ever talks about the Diggers, the Paris Commune, or Haight-Ashbury, but they were real, and they were fantastic.” Still, amid the Freudian/Marxian contextualization, we do have a good exploration of these things—just without any framework of the 1381 Peasants’ Revolt, the 1450 Cade’s Rebellion, the world of 1848, the anarchist movement, or the Black and Feminist civil rights movements. Still, good case studies.