LunaReadsBooks reviewed My Dark Vanessa by Kate Elizabeth Russell
3 stars
Everyone who I’ve ever heard talk about this book, either online or in real life, has talked about how they absolutely LOVE it, and how it made them cry and how it has a beautiful message about abuse and feminism as a whole. And while I do agree and really appreciate the message and themes, I didn’t love this one. Maybe I’m simply not the target age, and need to read it when I’m a bit older. But as of right now, though I appreciated this book and what it was trying to do, I was just kind of being a hater the whole time I was reading it. I was annoyed and angry the whole time, but for some reason I never quite felt sad. AND I’M NOT TRYING TO SOUND LIKE AN ANTI-FEMINIST OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT, OBVIOUSLY EVERYTHING THE WOMEN GO THROUGH IS ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE, I just …
Everyone who I’ve ever heard talk about this book, either online or in real life, has talked about how they absolutely LOVE it, and how it made them cry and how it has a beautiful message about abuse and feminism as a whole. And while I do agree and really appreciate the message and themes, I didn’t love this one. Maybe I’m simply not the target age, and need to read it when I’m a bit older. But as of right now, though I appreciated this book and what it was trying to do, I was just kind of being a hater the whole time I was reading it. I was annoyed and angry the whole time, but for some reason I never quite felt sad. AND I’M NOT TRYING TO SOUND LIKE AN ANTI-FEMINIST OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT, OBVIOUSLY EVERYTHING THE WOMEN GO THROUGH IS ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE, I just didn’t personally connect enough to everyone to truly feel despair while reading this. I just felt angry at all of the horrible things that were happening, and annoyed at little things that characters were doing along side of that. But despite that, My Dark Vanessa still made me THINK. Though it’s not really connected deeply, and emotionally to my soul like other books I’ve read, I don’t think this is a story I will ever stop wondering and thinking about.