Gute Story, interessante, sehr lebendig wirkende Figuren; fand es beim Lesen etwas sperrig trotz (oder wegen?) eines ausgeprägt schönen Sprachstils. Hab deswegen die ein oder andere Passage zweimal gelesen, das hat sich aber gelohnt.
The second book from Grass has as its main character the 'big mahlke'. The story is told in first person by Pilenz, a 'friend' of Mahlke. Pilenz has a hate-love relationship to Mahlke. When he stays with Malke he plays bad jokes to him, like putting a cat on his throat to let it catch his adams apple, or when he sees him praying in church, he accusses him to only pray so stronlgy for attention. On the other hand, Pilenz doesn't go to church if he knows that Mahlke will not be there as well. When Mahlke isn't around in the summerholidays he even says: "No summer without Mahlke!". Mahlke on the other hand is more of an outsider who is independent and does not need anyone else to fulfill his goals. The main motiv in the story is Mahlke's Adamapple, which is named by Pilenz with several terms. …
The second book from Grass has as its main character the 'big mahlke'. The story is told in first person by Pilenz, a 'friend' of Mahlke. Pilenz has a hate-love relationship to Mahlke. When he stays with Malke he plays bad jokes to him, like putting a cat on his throat to let it catch his adams apple, or when he sees him praying in church, he accusses him to only pray so stronlgy for attention. On the other hand, Pilenz doesn't go to church if he knows that Mahlke will not be there as well. When Mahlke isn't around in the summerholidays he even says: "No summer without Mahlke!". Mahlke on the other hand is more of an outsider who is independent and does not need anyone else to fulfill his goals. The main motiv in the story is Mahlke's Adamapple, which is named by Pilenz with several terms. In order to hide it, Mahlke tends wear something around his throat, for instance a scarf and screwdriver. When two honored soldier talk in school about their heroic deed in war with a Knight's cross around their throat, Mahlke puts all his effort to get one. One the one hand, the soldiers in school are treated with great respect from everyone. Throughout its childhood Mahlke puts all his effort in various thinks to receive respect and acceptence, for instance in school sports, swimming and diving. On the other hand the King's cross would perfectly hide his Adam's apple. When it comes to responsibility of Pilenz's actions, he pretends that he can't remember for sure. At some point pubils are interrogated about a teacher, who then becomes deportated. Pilenz just says, that he hopes that he hasn't testified against hime. He even states that he can't remember who putted the cat on Mahlkes throat. The story gives a feeling how it was to grow up in that times. Both protagonists do not have a father, one is dead and the other somewhere in the war. Pilenz also looses is brother to the war and says when looking back, that he never really knows him. The schools are named by Nazi's, faith is only accepted reluctangly, the only thing you can choose in your live is in which kind of military you want to apply.
It took me about 50 pages to acclimatise with Grass writing style. I don't think that his language is pretty. Often you have very complex and long sentences, the vocabulary is sometimes vulgar, very rough. He uses such a direct language, especially when he describes scenes.
Summarized, i think that it is often not joyful to read the book, but that it is still a good book. The language transports a feeling from this time in war, i think, in a very inimtable and unique way in german literature.