En Posesion del Secreto de La Alegria

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Alice Walker: En Posesion del Secreto de La Alegria (Spanish language, 1993, Plaza & Janes Editores, S.A.)


Spanish language

Published April 9, 1993 by Plaza & Janes Editores, S.A..

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3 stars (5 reviews)

15 editions

Recognising what I enjoyed.

4 stars

There are a lot of things I know that I cannot comment upon, as my lived experiences do not allow it. I want to acknowledge that.

I want to recognise what I really liked about it:

  1. I adore the usage of multiple perspectives for the central character. You can tell that even her chapters are written in the multiple perspectives of her past and present self. You can see how her identity has changed, how she has changed, has she has grown and become who she is throughout the story (Tashi, Evelyn, Tashi-Evelyn, Evelyn-Tashi, and so on).

  2. I like that Walker included chapters from the perspectives of Adam, Olivia, Benny, Pierre, Lisette, M'Lissa, and whichever other characters I forgot to include (perhaps Mzee and Mbati). I liked that these multiple perspectives did not take liberties to assume who Tashi was but to add further evidence from their experiences with her; …

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