My Dark Vanessa

Published Jan. 8, 2020 by HarperCollins Publishers.

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4 stars (19 reviews)

8 editions

Review of 'My Dark Vanessa' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

De opzet van My dark Vanessa, de debuutroman van Kate Elizabeth Russell (1984), is nogal interessant. Nadat haar vroegere leraar Engels door een jonge vrouw op sociale media is beschuldigd van seksueel misbruik, wordt Vanessa geconfronteerd met haar eigen verleden met deze Jacob Strane. Ook zij had op minderjarige leeftijd een affaire met hem, maar van aanranding of verkrachting wil ze niet weten: in de ogen van Vanessa was er sprake van liefde.

I’m not a victim because I’ve never wanted to be, and if I don’t want to be, then I’m not. That’s how it works. The difference between rape and sex is state of mind. You can’t rape the willing, right?

Schommelend tussen heden (2017) en verleden (2000-2007) volgt de lezer haar relaas en haar worsteling met de feiten, de publieke opinie en vooral met zichzelf. De waarheid is in My dark Vanessa nergens vanzelfsprekend.

Ondanks de …

Review of 'My Dark Vanessa' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

This book is like Lolita-meets-Me Too. The author does a good job crafting a story that is a real mind f*ck. What do you do with someone who was abused by a pedophile but refuses to see herself as a victim and who instead continues to romanticize it? What about the people and systems that are complicit in allowing predators to stay in power?

Dark and disturbing, this is great fodder for discussion.

Review of 'My dark Vanessa' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

The subject matter of this novel is obviously disturbing, but it’s worth reading, and not just because of its potential for other victims to see themselves reflected. The development of the main character over time, told through flashbacks to two different time periods, is exceptionally well-written and believable, and makes even those of us who are not victims of abuse reflect on the way we contextualize our memories and tell our own stories, and how that changes as we grow older and gain more insight into ourselves. The way it sheds light on how abusers can gaslight their victims so thoroughly that they end up trained to gaslight themselves was also very well-done. A fascinating and timely read for those who are able to get through the upsetting fundamentals of the story.

Review of 'My Dark Vanessa' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This was an excellent book. It was also, at times, a difficult book to get through. You will be disgusted, infuriated, heartbroken seemingly all at the same time. It's probably not a book for everyone as the subject matter will be repugnant to most people. But at the same time, as a realist, I know that terrible, life altering things happen to young girls all the time in ways big and small. Here is a story of a teenage girl who has something BIG happen to her while she is away at boarding school. Something she thinks she wants and does not necessarily realize is a bad thing. Something she doesn't realize changed the trajectory of her life. Something that haunts her and taints her relationships well into adulthood. It takes her many years to break free of the poisonous entanglement. She must come to terms with what happened to …

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