Xander E reviewed The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene
Review of 'The Elegant Universe' on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
Beautifully written- I am currently a sophomore in high school whose father read this book years ago and has been waiting for me to reach an age where I could begin to understand it. I will admit that much of this book flew over my head before discussing it with my dad, but it was always written in ways that I could wrap my head around (to the highest extent one can wrap their mind around physics not explained by math).
Do I think this is the ultimate theory? Maybe not quite. Do I think that everything in this book is 100% true? No, there's certainly quite a bit that's not there and a lot of speculation and trust in things that haven't been proven (but I suppose religion got quite far there, so why not string theory?). Do I enjoy a good theoretical read? Absolutely. Is Brian Greene a โฆ
Beautifully written- I am currently a sophomore in high school whose father read this book years ago and has been waiting for me to reach an age where I could begin to understand it. I will admit that much of this book flew over my head before discussing it with my dad, but it was always written in ways that I could wrap my head around (to the highest extent one can wrap their mind around physics not explained by math).
Do I think this is the ultimate theory? Maybe not quite. Do I think that everything in this book is 100% true? No, there's certainly quite a bit that's not there and a lot of speculation and trust in things that haven't been proven (but I suppose religion got quite far there, so why not string theory?). Do I enjoy a good theoretical read? Absolutely. Is Brian Greene a genius writer? 100%.
I recommend this to anyone who has someone to discuss the implications of the theories with (like when I came to the conclusion that everything is moving at light speed all at once because mass doesn't actually exist... wasn't quite right there but discussed it and got past it). Letting the contents of this book stew in our head may make you go crazy.