Crown of Midnight

, #2

Trade Paperback, 420 pages

English language

Published Feb. 9, 2023 by Bloomsbury Publishing USA.

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4 stars (44 reviews)

She is the greatest assassin her world has ever known. But where will her conscience, and her heart, lead her?

After a year of hard labor in the Salt Mines of Endovier, eighteen-year-old assassin Celaena Sardothien has won the king's contest to become the new royal assassin. Yet Celaena is far from loyal to the crown—a secret she hides from even her most intimate confidantes.

Keeping up the deadly charade—while pretending to do the king's bidding—will test her in frightening new ways, especially when she's given a task that could jeopardize everything she's come to care for. And there are far more dangerous forces gathering on the horizon—forces that threaten to destroy her entire world, and will surely force Celaena to make a choice. Where do the assassin's loyalties lie, and who is she willing to fight for?

16 editions

My Review of Crown of Midnight

5 stars

The second book in the Throne of Glass series built upon the first and smashed my expectations by a wide margin. While not a literary masterpiece by any stretch, I thought Sarah J. Maas' writing was greatly improved in Crown of Midnight, making for a more engaging read than Throne of Glass. In addition to the general improvement in the writing and storytelling, there's more of everything in this one - intrigue, humor, fight scenes, and yes, romance.

The trio of friends, and sometimes love triangle of Celaena, Chaol, and Dorian all grow by leaps and bounds in this one, while not losing that spark that made them fun, compelling, and sometimes maddening characters to begin with. Celaena remained a badass with skills and a personality to be reckoned with, but I really enjoyed Chaol and Dorian's development in this one. Chaol started the series as a pawn for the …

Review of 'Crown of midnight' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Although, I give this book an average rating (3), I nonetheless think this book is one worth 'passing by'. The heroine is exceptionally violent and cruel (my opinion). She's not someone I really want to 'get to know' anymore. Additionally, I found the plot slow and the novel's secondary characters tending more towards being 'pasties' rather than being people with whom I care to empathize.

Review of 'Trono de Cristal 2. Corona de Medianoche (Crown of Midnight II)' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

El primer volumen “Trono de Cristal” me gusto pero lo creía sobrevalorado entre los lectores. me leí la saga ACOTAR y el primer volumen de casa de tierra y sangre antes de empezar con esta saga y aunque la autora sea una de mis favoritas creía que esta saga era más floja; con este libro estoy empezando a dudar de mis impresiones. Me ha encantado la evolución del personaje de Celaena y su relación con Dorian y Chaol. Estoy deseando ver si la saga sigue mejorando con cada volumen.

Review of 'Crown of midnight' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Book 2. More Celaena. More intrigue. Twists, turns, deception. Good stuff. This series is great on audio.

Celaena is now the King's Champion. She continues to kick ass, yet be her own person. She can't seem to get her shit together on the romance front, but I'll give her a pass because she led a messed up life during her formative years. She's a good person, but flawed, and I love her. Oh, and speaking of love...Chaol. Ah, Chaol. You are my book boyfriend. You are 100% better than Dorian (stay over there in the friend zone, please, because you will find a perfectly good princess to fall in love with later, I'm sure). You love Celaena, even with her rough edges. You guys are a great match, which I'm sure means there will be love triangles galore in the next few books. I can handle it as long as …

Review of 'Crown of midnight' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Note: this review may contain spoilers for the previous book in the series.

TL;DR: the series grows up and reveals an epic scope. Celeana is no longer only a pawn in the plans of others, she makes her own now. But friendship, love and loyalty can twist the best-laid plans especially when everyone has different goals.

This is one of those books where I would like to yell at the characters: "Communicate, you idiots!" Which makes for a good read. And also sometimes (un-)predictable turns.

After reading [b: Throne of Glass|7896527|Throne of Glass (Throne of Glass, #1)|Sarah J. Maas||11138426] I was rather sure I was dealing with the average YA fantasy series. However, this sequel managed to surprise me in that regard.

In the first book Celeana fights to become the evil king's champion. She finds friends and with their help, she wins the contest. While the gloomy setting already …

Review of 'Crown of Midnight' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Posted Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Actual Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

As originally posted on Reviews of a Self Proclaimed Bibliophile.

It was as if her heart was too full of the dead, too full of those lives that had ended well before their time.~Celaena Sardothien

This book, this book was filled with so much emotion – so much anger, so much grief, and so much hope. A large amount of Celaena’s story has been in direct reaction to how she deals with grief, for instance her loss of Sam and now her loss of Nehemia, as well as her loss of Chaol albeit in a different manner than the first two. Truthfully, Celaena doesn’t handle grief well at all – I mean, she makes some seriously rash and dangerous decisions in direct reaction to her sense of loss. Granted, Celaena has lived the entirety …

Review of 'Crown of midnight' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

What an end! I was blown away! I wish this suspense and this drive would have been there from the beginning!

Definitely this book is better than book one and I sense that the next book will even top this second one.

Chaol, Dorian and Celaena are a fantastic team. I loved that certain scene with them fighting together side by side. Because in fact, that bothered me: the book starts so slow and boring, without any visible purpose. Everyone's on his/her own mission.

It gets clear in the end. Finally I can see why people are in love with this series. I'm falling in love too!

Before I read "Heir of Fire" I urgently need a light read to distract me and calm down again.. :)

Review of 'Crown of midnight' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Full review on Reader's Dialogue:

been following Sarah on Tumblr, and though I hadn't been able to get the book until last week, I loved seeing her reblogs of fanart along with explanations of why they drew those scenes. So when I read the book, and I came to those scenes, I was able to think of those images. Which I would have thought would detract from my personal experience of the book, but it didn't. It just made it richer, like when the book says "Chaol barely made it into an empty broom closet before the sobs hit," I remembered the fanart of Chaol bent over and sobbing, and it wrenched my heart out.

The entire book wrenched my heart out. If the first book was dark, at least it had bright spots of budding romance and lighthearted banter amid the terrifying and treacherous goings-on. …

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