PatentedGraph53 reviewed The End and the Death by Dan Abnett (The Siege of Terra, #8)
Siege of Terra: The End and the Death: Volume 1: Review
4 stars
The End and the Death: Volume 1 is the End and the Death of the Horus Heresy series until we GW finds a way to add another imprint series. As the first 1/3 of the End and the Death, Abnett does some interesting work in setting up the rest of the 3 parter. We mainly focus on 6(?) or so different perspectives, with several interludes throughout the book showing off random militia members and the like trying to survive and what not. The primary perspectives are interesting, theres a lot of warp shenanigans going on so characters teleport massive distances without knowing what’s happening, it’s quite enjoyable to read. One thing that isn't enjoyable though, and is arguably a nitpick, is how much the words “end and the death” are used. Every chapter or so, someone says something about how this is the “end and the death of everything” and …
The End and the Death: Volume 1 is the End and the Death of the Horus Heresy series until we GW finds a way to add another imprint series. As the first 1/3 of the End and the Death, Abnett does some interesting work in setting up the rest of the 3 parter. We mainly focus on 6(?) or so different perspectives, with several interludes throughout the book showing off random militia members and the like trying to survive and what not. The primary perspectives are interesting, theres a lot of warp shenanigans going on so characters teleport massive distances without knowing what’s happening, it’s quite enjoyable to read. One thing that isn't enjoyable though, and is arguably a nitpick, is how much the words “end and the death” are used. Every chapter or so, someone says something about how this is the “end and the death of everything” and its repeated so often that is bothers me. But my i biggest bother is that I have no idea how this is meant to go on for 1200 more pages. Everything feels set up like it could conclude within another single 500 page book, but two more volumes? I worry about the pacing, as at points in volume one already at points it felt like it was being drawn out a bit. In the end (and the death) i find it somewhat hard to rate this book. On its own its alright, could have been handled better in its pacing, but I liked enough of the stuff going on that I can’t be too harsh on it. As the first part of three novels, I worry for what will come next. But as this is sold as its own novel, I will rate it as its own novel and will just happens to see what will come in the end. (and the death). (volume 2).