The house of the spirits

433 pages

English language

Published Jan. 27, 1993 by Bantam Books.

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4 stars (14 reviews)

The Trueba family embodies strong feelings from the beginning of the 2 through the assassination of Allende in 1973.

50 editions

Liburu honek ulertzen ez nuen idazle batekin adiskidetu nau

5 stars

Nahiz eta beti izan naizen irakurle, aitortu behar dut ez nuela inoiz gozatu eskolan irakurtzera behartzen gintuzten liburuak irakurtzen, eta La casa de los espíritus ez zen salbuespena izan garai hartan. Hiru aldiz saiatu nintzen gerora berriro hartzen urteetan zehar, baina Barrabas itsasoz iristen den kapituluan trabatuta geratzen nintzen beti. Bitxia bada ere, antzeko zerbait gertatu zitzaidan Cien años de soledad liburarekin eta horrek pentsarazi dit liburu biek badutela eskuraezina zitzaidan zerbait komunean. Oraingoan, ordea, bukatu dut eta, nire harridurarako, izugarri gozatu dut. Hainbeste, ze pena ematen dit amaierara iritsi izanak.

La casa de los espíritus nobela bat baino gehiago da; herri oso baten historiaren zati garrantzitsu baten kontaketa da, Trueba familiako hainbat belaunaldiren bidez kontatua. Bere errealismo magikoak eta herrialdeko gertaera historikoekin duen lotura sakonak liluratu egin naute. Lehen aldiz, Isabel Allende ulertzea lortu dut eta bere liburu gehiago irakurtzeko prest utzi nau.

Askok Cien años de soledad liburuarekin …

magisch, aber von seiner eigenen schwere heruntergezogen

4 stars

Content warning spoilers

Review of 'La casa de los espíritus' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I knew I had read this, but was not sure when. In going over my old journals, I found the date for it. This is one of my mother's favorites, and I think that I can see why. Here is what I wrote back then.

>>The element of magical realism was good, though not as strong as Garcia Marquez. The plot was interesting, and the use of regression was very effective with the epilogue serving to bring the novel full circle. I felt for the character of Esteban Trueba, who fell victim of his own anti-communist obsession with the coup. I liked the presence of spirits and the books of Marcos (yet these were not detailed in any way in terms of content). I enjoyed the tale overall. I do recommend it. <<

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  • Spanish American literature
  • Chilean literature
  • Chilean Women authors
  • Translations into English
  • Chilean Authors
  • Modern Literature


  • Chile
