Die Freedom Cities Coalition verhandelt derzeit mit Vertretern des Weißen Hauses über die Umsetzung solcher Zonen in den USA.
Zum Artikel: https://heise.de/-10309769?wt_mc=sm.red.ho.mastodon.mastodon.md_beitraege.md_beitraege&utm_source=mastodon
See tagged statuses in the local BookWyrm community
Die Freedom Cities Coalition verhandelt derzeit mit Vertretern des Weißen Hauses über die Umsetzung solcher Zonen in den USA.
Zum Artikel: https://heise.de/-10309769?wt_mc=sm.red.ho.mastodon.mastodon.md_beitraege.md_beitraege&utm_source=mastodon
Republicans finally go NUCLEAR over town hall disasters
And so democracy dies under our very eyes: Republicans don't care about their electors and the reste of US citizens. They are completely sucking to their new kings, #Trump, #JDVance, #PeterThiel and #Musk, and just wish to keep going without having to face their fellow citizen. It's really time for #civildisobedience and #protests all over the #USA! It's even the last minute!
#ElonMusk, #PeterThiel, and #DavidSacks are all beneficiaries of colonized South Africa’s #Apartheid regime. They “emerged from a historical tradition that revered hierarchy and sought to sustain racial and economic dominance.” https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/28/opinion/elon-musk-south-africa.html?unlocked_article_code=1.0k4.s6Tt.cLFmSHD-XppD
📺️Interessanter Vortrag zum #Longtermism|us von @MSchnetker@sciences.social vom #38c3:
Longtermismus – der „Geist“ des digitalen Kapitalismus
🤖️2019 war Max Franz Johann Schnetker bei uns bzw. dem @trotzallem@ruhr.social zu Gast und hat sein Buch zu #Transhumanism|us vorgestellt.
#books for understanding #USA #News
n this groundbreaking book, distinguished historian Gotz Aly addresses one of modern history's greatest conundrums: How did Adolf Hitler win the allegiance of the Germans?
#booklist #goodreads #currentevents #firing #loyaltyoaths #FAA #Treasury #ElonMusk #MarkZuckerberg #PeterThiel #power #apathy #orwell
Uno de los fundadores de Palantir Technologies es Peter Thiel, donante y colaborador de Trump y con una influencia e ideas políticas que no sé si dan más miedo aún que las de su antiguo socio en Paypal, Elon Musk
The response to Peter Thiel’s drivel is refreshing, because the comment section is uniformly critical of one of the most evil men in power today.
(Amazingly not paywalled)
After narrowly losing to Thiel in 2022, then taking the crown in a competition with Jeff Bezos last year…
…ELON MUSK retains the title of Worst Person in Tech 2024.
Is anyone even surprised?
32 of the worst people in tech have been narrowed down to the final 2 — a return of the matchup we had in 2022. Who will take the crown?
🗳️ Cast your vote: https://forms.gle/C6W5vLXTTraUg7cT8
guess who has access to your period data?
the app 28--a period tracking app--is owned & funded by #PeterThiel, who might literally be the most evil man alive, no hyperbole. Do NOT allow him (& men like him) to harvest data about your #MenstrualCycle
#women https://futurism.com/neoscope/peter-thiel-period-tracking-app
"The narrator of #HillbillyElegy doesn’t sound like someone who’s intending to run for office – otherwise, presumably, #Vance would have cut all those sentences about the laziness of poor white people and added some about being called to public service. [..] The billionaire investor #PeterThiel [..] doesn’t appear in the book, though he’s listed in the acknowledgments."
#JDVance #2024election #USpol #USpolitics #GOP #NewRight #bootstrapism #PoorBashing #Trump
Estoy leyendo este #libro. Vuelve a contar muchos detalles que fueron noticia de la compra de #Twitter y su transformación en #X, pero a mí me llama la atención, sobre todo, el modo en que describe la mentalidad de los #multimillonarios de las #EmpresasTecnológicas, su arrogancia (e ignorancia) y sus delirios de grandeza. No se salva ninguno; todos son un asco.
#ElonMusk #JackDorsey #PeterThiel #RedesSociales #oligarquía #capitalismo #libros #libroverso #reportaje #periodismo #NoFicción
Peter Thiel doesn’t want a global totalitarian government that wants to ban AI — something that isn’t in the cards. He wants one that will shove AI down all our throats on behalf of him and his psychopath buddies, while giving them billions of dollars.
"We are also seeing a group of right-backing tech titans expressing a new rhetoric that didn’t have a place in Silicon Valley before. Thiel, for example, has been pushing his far-right beliefs into the ether for a long time. At one point, he was treated as an oddity. Now he’s in step with the prevailing ideological movement among tech billionaires."
~ Ali Breland
#JDVance #PeterThiel #Trump #TechBros #SiliconValley #fascism
El #cyberpunk no está en "#ElonMusk, #PeterThiel, #MarkZuckerberg, #SamBankmanFried y otros #weirdos blancos, inmaduros pero con muchísimo dinero, encerrados en #fantasías morbosas de #poder e influencia. Ellos son parte del mal —de la ambición desmedida, destructiva, ciega hasta perder toda semejanza con lo humano— contra el que todavía nos advierte lo ciberpunk."
40 años de #ciberpunk, mi nuevo #artículo en Literal Magazine. https://literalmagazine.com/40-anos-de-ciberpunk/