
See tagged statuses in the local BookWyrm community

Sorry, not a kinky stuff

PSA: if you ever used Feeld dating app, you need to know that all your data was available for virtually anyone for *very long time*.

This includes messages, photos, one-time messages, dating profile, likes and etc. But not just that, it was possible to impersonate you and send messages to anyone

This issue was found two times by two independent parties so most likely malicious/state actors knew about this. If someone manages to scrape this data, it might pop up somewhere for sale.

Worst part is that Feeld is silent about this.

Please, be safe and prepared as this data can be used for sextortion or worse.

It would help a lot if you’ll share this with people who might’ve been using Feeld. I’m posting about this because Feeld is popular in some places among the LGBTQA+.



A chaotic bisexual ADHDisaster’s guide to healthy flirting online:

1) the most important thing first and foremost is to approach the other person like they are a full person with their own desires, agency, preferences, feelings, etc. While you might find them attractive, they may not feel the same towards you and that’s okay. Make sure whatever you say or do to flirt allows for them to set a boundary there or not reciprocate without it being a big deal.

2) first step is to approach in a way that invites them to have plausible deniability to deflect or not engage, or invite more attention. A comment that is suggestive but allows an easy out. For example, “that dress looks amazing on you! A person can’t help but imagine how the legs go all the way up.🫠” allows the person to reply “thanks! I got the dress from blank!” Or …

Bonjour! I’m Ryan, new to mstdn.games but not to mastodon itself.

About me: I live in the traditional territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. I am , working towards bilingualism, and work in adult education.

I’m a lifelong tabletop gamer - I GM for and play and , love board games, and play when time permits it.

Other stuff I tend to post about includes , , ,

As Pride month comes to a close for 2024, remember: as the stars shine on, queer people, communities, our lives, our struggles, and our celebration of us continue.

So I give you again the pride flags I composed from NASA astrophotography. Feel free to put them on your devices! If you'd like me to look into making one that you want, feel free to ask!