The trouble is that things *never* get better, they just stay the same, only more so.
Terry Pratchett, Eric
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The trouble is that things *never* get better, they just stay the same, only more so.
Terry Pratchett, Eric
A lie can run round the world before the truth has got its boots on.
Terry Pratchett, The Truth
It looked like the sort of book described in library catalogues as
"slightly foxed", although it would be more honest to admit that it looked as though it had beed badgered, wolved and possibly beared as well.
Ah, but has it been hedgehogged?
Terry Pratchett, The Light Fantastic
It's a metaphor of human bloody existence, a dragon. And if that wasn't bad enough, it's also a bloody great hot flying thing.
Captain Vimes ponders his problems
Terry Pratchett, Guards! Guards!
It occurs to me that now would be a good time to buy PHYSICAL books. The ones made out of paper, that don’t require an internet connection or electronic device.
You know, because reasons.
Start with Sir Terry Pratchett, by the way.
#fahrenheit451 #books #SpeakHisName #OldSchool #GenXKnowledge
I always call it 'Tour Flu', because two or three weeks in hot bookshops with hundreds of people usually produces an ailment of some kind. Going on tour is like a box of rare diseases -- you never know what you're going to get.
Terry Pratchett,
The consensus seemed to be that if really large numbers of men were sent to storm the mountain, then enough might survive the rocks to take the citadel. This is essentially the basis of all military thinking.
Terry Pratchett, Eric
Death isn't on line. If he was, there would be a sudden drop in the death rate. Although it'd be interesting to see if he'd post things like: DON'T YOU THINK I SOUND LIKE JAMES EARL JONES?
Terry Pratchett,
On the fabled hidden continent of Xxxx, somewhere near the rim, there is a lost colony of wizards who wear corks around their pointy hats and live on nothing but prawns.
Terry Pratchett, Reaper Man
No enemies had ever taken Ankh-Morpock. Well *technically* they had, quite often; the city welcomed free-spending barbarian invaders, but somehow the puzzled raiders found, after a few days, that they didn't own their horses any more, and within a couple of months they were just another minority group with its own graffiti and food shops.
Terry Pratchett, Eric
Every procedure for getting a cat to take a pill works fine -- once. Like the Borg, they learn...
Terry Pratchett,
1. Los pequeños hombres libres (Terry Pratchett). Tal vez mi entrega menos favorita del Mundodisco hasta el momento posiblemente en buena medida porque es una novela que no pone nada fácil el traducirla. En la versión en español optan por hacer hablar a los Nac Mac Feegles en una especie de asturiano con toques gallegos que me sacaba constantemente de la historia. Y no creo que sea una mala decisión de traducción, simplemente me parece que no había solución buena. En general las novelas del Mundodisco más orientadas a un público juvenil las disfruto menos y esta no ha sido una excepción. Pero aun así sigue siendo una novela de Pratchett (#speakHisName) que siempre te deja una sensación calentita por dentro y te reconcilia un poco con el mundo.
Tal vez mi entrega menos favorita del Mundodisco hasta el momento posiblemente en buena medida porque es una novela que no pone nada fácil el traducirla. En la versión en español optan por hacer hablar a los Nac Mac Feegles en una especie de asturiano con toques gallegos que me sacaba constantemente de la historia. Y no creo que sea una mala decisión de traducción, simplemente me parece que no había solución buena. En general las novelas del Mundodisco más orientadas a un público juvenil las disfruto menos y esta no ha sido una excepción. Pero aun así sigue siendo una novela de Pratchett (#speakHisName) que siempre te deja una sensación calentita por dentro y te reconcilia un poco con el mundo.
Tourist, Rincewind decided, meant "idiot".
Terry Pratchett, The Colour of Magic