Literally books (graphics novels included ofc) I read in 2023
Stuff I read in 2023 Public
Created by Esin/William
Matematik Felsefesi ve Matematiksel Mantık by Ahmet Çevik
4 stars
Türkiye’de matematik felsefesi ve matematiksel mantık konularıyla ilgili büyük bir eksiklik olduğunu gözlemleyen ve çalışmalarının bu konudaki eksikliğin bir derece …
Esin/William says: Borrowed from my school's library. Started in 2022, finished in 2023.
Fantastic Mr. Fox by Roald Dahl
3 stars
The main character of Fantastic Mr. Fox is an extremely clever anthropomorphized fox named Mr. Fox. He lives with his …
Esin/William says: Read it on Open Library
Esin/William says: Bought it from D&R. It's so good asjofhla
Esin/William says: Borrowed it from my school's library. Super book
Esin/William says: Borrowed it from my school's library
Diktatörluk ve Demokrasi by Brigitte Labbe (Çıtır Çıtır Felsefe, #23)
5 stars
İnsanlar hem birbirlerine ihtiyaç duyarlar, hem de özgür olmak isterler. O halde, birlikte yaşamak için en uygun yol hangisidir? İnsanların …
Esin/William says: Read it in my local library
The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (Harbrace paperbound library -- HPL 30)
4 stars
An aviator whose plane is forced down in the Sahara Desert encounters a little man from a small planet who …
Esin/William says: Read it in my local library
The Sandman Vol. 1 by Neil Gaiman (The Sandman, Vol. 1)
4 stars
A collection of eight comics that introduce the series' lead character, the Sandman, Lord of Dreams.
Esin/William says: Read it in my local library. Epic shit
The Time Machine by H. G. Wells
4 stars
A Victorian scientist and inventor creates a machine for propelling himself through time, and voyages to the year AD 802701, …
Esin/William says: Borrowed it from my local library
Esin/William says: Got the PDF and read it
Esin/William says: Read it online. Crazy stuff.
SS by Barış Pehlivan, Barış Terkoğlu
5 stars
- Mafya hakkında rapor yazan emniyet müdürünün başına neler geldi?
- Süleyman Soylu ile Ekrem İmamoğlu arasındaki küfürlü konuşma neden yapıldı?
- AKP’li …
Esin/William says: Bought it from Migros. Crazy stuff, very well-researched imo.
Esin/William says: Bought it from a book fair in 2021 (IIRC). Finally got around to read it this year.
Esin/William says: This has been sitting on my shelf for a long time... I have no idea where I got this from.
Fear by Stefan Zweig
4 stars
Fear (German: Angst) is a 1925 novella by the Austrian writer Stefan Zweig. It was adapted into a 1928 silent …
Esin/William says: Bought it from a local stationary-bookstore.