books I have copies of Unlisted

Created by namnatulco

  1. Small Gods by  (Discworld, #13)

    4 stars

    Small Gods is the thirteenth of Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels, published in 1992. It tells the origin of the god …

    namnatulco says:


  2. Guards! Guards! by  (Discworld, #8)

    4 stars

    Here there be dragons...and th denizens of Ankh-Morpork wish one huge firebreather would return from whence it came. Long believed …

    namnatulco says:


  3. Mort by  (Discworld, #4)

    4 stars

    Death takes on an apprentice who's an individual thinker.

    namnatulco says:


  4. Equal Rites by  (Discworld, #3)

    4 stars

    The wizard Drum Billet knows that he will soon die and travels to a place where an eighth son of …

    namnatulco says:


  5. namnatulco says:


  6. Autokorrektur by 

    4 stars

    Ein Plädoyer für eine inklusive und klimagerechte Verkehrswende – Mit Schwung, Know-how und Kreativität macht die Mobilitätsexpertin Katja Diehl Lust …

    namnatulco says:


  7. Nineteen Eighty-Four by 

    4 stars

    Nineteen Eighty-Four: A Novel, often referred to as 1984, is a dystopian social science fiction novel by the English novelist …

    namnatulco says:


  8. Queer*Welten: 07-2022 by , , , and 4 others (Queer*Welten, #7)

    5 stars

    Queer*Welten ist ein vierteljährlich erscheinendes queerfeministisches Science-Fiction- und Fantasy-Zine, das sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, Kurzgeschichten, Gedichte, Illustrationen und Essaybeiträge …

    namnatulco says:


  9. Direkte Aktion by 

    5 stars

    Direct Action: An Ethnography offers a lengthy, traditional anthropological account of anarchist organizing efforts, with a focus on New York …

    namnatulco says:


  10. namnatulco says:


  11. Horus Rising by  (The Horus Heresy, #1)

    4 stars

    namnatulco says:


  12. False Gods by  (The Horus Heresy, #2)

    3 stars

    namnatulco says:


  13. Galaxy in Flames by  (The Horus Heresy, #3)

    3 stars

    Having recovered from his grievous injuries, Warmaster Horus leads the triumphant Imperial forces against the rebel world of Isstvan III. …

    namnatulco says:


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