2030's overly-ambitious-that-I'll-stick-with-the-plan reading list Public

Created by Caffeinated Book Dragon

I'm considering this an odd experiment of mine: how much will I end up changing this list because of impulsiveness or because I've fallen so far behind previous years' reading goals?

In reality, I'm making this list SO far in advance because I was tired and mis-numbered my reading order charts and somehow ended up with far too many books in previous years' goal lists... so instead of wasting hours backtracking and changing my spreadsheets to put the books back into the "pick from" spreadsheet, I figured I'd take 1 hour to compile another year's list (hee hee). I just can't do things the easy way (sigh).

  1. Why Buildings Fall Down by , ,

    5 stars

    First published as a Norton paperback

  2. The Lost Girl by  (Barnes & Noble Classics)

    No rating

  3. Good Omens by ,

    4 stars

    According to the Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter—the world's only totally reliable guide to the future—the world will …

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