Books on writing Public

Created by naught101

  1. On Writing Well by 

    4 stars

    On Writing Well has been praised for its sound advice, its clarity and the warmth of its style. It is …

  2. Zen in the Art of Writing by 

    4 stars

    Zen in the Art of Writing: Essays on Creativity is a collection of essays by Ray Bradbury and published in …

  3. Steering the craft by 

    5 stars

    Presents advice on the basic elements of narrative prose, covering point of view, sentence length and complex syntax, indirect narration, …

  4. Conversations on Writing by 

    4 stars

    In a series of interviews with David Naimon, Le Guin discusses craft, aesthetics, and philosophy in her fiction, poetry, and …

  5. Poetry Handbook by 

    4 stars

    From a review by Publishers Weekly: National Book Award winner Oliver ( New and Selected Poems ) delivers with uncommon …

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