Zen in the Art of Writing

English language

Published March 17, 1992

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4 stars (17 reviews)

Zen in the Art of Writing: Essays on Creativity is a collection of essays by Ray Bradbury and published in 1990. The unifying theme is Bradbury's love for writing.

Essays included are: The Joy of Writing (1973) Run Fast, Stand Still, Or, The Thing At the Top of the Stairs, Or, New Ghosts From Old Minds (1986) How To Keep and Feed a Muse (1961) Drunk, and in Charge of a Bicycle (1980) Investing Dimes: Fahrenheit 451 (1982) Just This Side of Byzantium: Dandelion Wine (1974) The Long Road to Mars (1990) On The Shoulders of Giants (1980) The Secret Mind (1965) Shooting Haiku in a Barrell (1982) Zen in the Art of Writing (1973) ...On Creativity (No Date Given)This book attempts to give creative ideas and inspiration to writers.

2 editions

Bookshelf Read: Zen in the Art of Writing, by Ray Bradbury

2 stars

I gobbled up everything I could read from Ray Bradbury when I was younger, and I still really admire his ability to tell a gripping story. I first read this book years ago and had remembered it as a collection of essays about writing and the creative process. It is indeed a collection of essays, but most of which seem to be forwards written for previous books. Mostly this book reads more like a memoir about Ray Bradbury's creative process (of which he is very enthusiastic!), and does not contain a lot of actual practical advice for other people. I was also somewhat dismayed that Bradbury always refers to the aspiring writer as "he," and the recommended authors are all the standard midcentury white male canon. Unless you are a huge Bradbury fan I think this is a skip. There are lots of better books about writing out there.

Review of 'Zen in the Art of Writing' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I've never read anyone so perfectly convey their unbridled joy for the act of writing.

A book that's both brilliantly inspiring and brutally deflating. Write 2,000-3,000 words a day for 10 years to get good? But there's so many shows I'll miss on Netflix :'(

He writes with such passion about the pleasure of creation he almost manages to convince me to get started.


Review of 'Zen in the Art of Writing' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

This book not only inspires us to write but is poetic and interesting to read as well.
How can I review a book like this?
How can I review a book that not only has the serene beauty of sunset,
but also the ferocity of a wild storm,
and the surprise of sudden monsoon rain packed into one.

It is not just a book on how to get inspirations to write better.
It is also sort of an auto-biography.
It is also a book on how to write good screenplays.
It is also a book on what direction is not about.
It tells us about the intelligence of editing.
It is also a love song by a poet on his muse.
It is also the dreams of lost childhood.
It is also a library that had come alive.
It is weirdly beautiful.

And in the end when he compares writing …

Review of 'Zen in the Art of Writing' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Ray Bradbury is one of my favorite authors and this volume, mostly a collection of previously published essays, is a fascinating glimpse into the mind of one of the giants of twentieth-century American fiction. Not all the essays are great but when they are good, they are very good. He goes into detail about his creative process and how it integrates fully with all of his myriad interests.

In fact, I would argue that even if you have no aspirations to write, many of this book's essays are clarion calls to live a full, passionate, and engaged lives. Bradbury urges us to embrace all of our interests no matter how silly because they are the things that make us who we are. Bradbury is a very lyrical writer. From his novels, short stories, and essays, you can see a deep, passionate fire blazing brightly. I can promise that if you …

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