When Andrew stumbles upon Jamie's house, he's injured, starved, and has nothing left to lose. …
Review of "All That's Left in the World" on 'Goodreads'
2 stars
Nope. I can't. If you love the word "smile" you're in for a treat, because this author uses it at least once a paragraph. And I can't stand it enough to finish. The ideas and characters aren't worth the anguish of stabbing myself in the eyes with rusty nails just to continue reading "smile, smiling, smiled, smiles" SHUT UP. Get a thesaurus for God's sake, and a better editor.
The Fellowship of the Ring is the first of three volumes of the epic novel …
Review of 'The Lord of the Rings (The Lord of the Rings, #1-3)' on 'Goodreads'
3 stars
Let's be real, I'm never finishing this series and I just need to accept that. I love the lore and the world. I love the stories. But I HATE the prose. I'll stick to the extended versions of the films, thank you.
Known for its lively, clear prose as well as its scholarly research, A People's History …
Review of 'A Peoples History Of The United States 1492 To Present' on 'Goodreads'
3 stars
Had to DNF this. It's not that the material is bad or not interesting. I think maybe the writing is just too....disengaging for me, and the subject matter is a little too broad. Not a bad book. Just not for me.
A true tragedy. Don't expect a happy ending because you won't get one. I keep thinking about how this book is about the stupidity of men. Because if Ed had any emotional intelligence, any sense of intelligence, he could have used his words, made plans and actually had a future with him and Alex together. But his stupidity costed lives.
It's really weird how the balance of starting us in the middle of the action vs the slow buildup in an origin story is SO delicate. You get one element wrong and the whole thing just feels off. If you do a slow buildup then it can take too long to get going. But if you throw us right into the action you can easily gloss over details that the reader really should have been there for.
Will's story is the perfect example of this. It wouldn't have been boring to give us bits of his life on the run with his mother, what happened when she died, the servants who were confidants. But they don't give us this information until right in the middle of things and having characters try to "explain" the story to people who were there when it happened?
So the story simultaneously is trying …
It's really weird how the balance of starting us in the middle of the action vs the slow buildup in an origin story is SO delicate. You get one element wrong and the whole thing just feels off. If you do a slow buildup then it can take too long to get going. But if you throw us right into the action you can easily gloss over details that the reader really should have been there for.
Will's story is the perfect example of this. It wouldn't have been boring to give us bits of his life on the run with his mother, what happened when she died, the servants who were confidants. But they don't give us this information until right in the middle of things and having characters try to "explain" the story to people who were there when it happened?
So the story simultaneously is trying to tell you two different things with a weird narrative voice.
One is like: So this boy is working on the docks, he's poor, and he finds this mirror and sees this chick and now people are chasing him. Oh, and he wasn't always poor. And so they're chasing him through the str- oh, and also he had a mother, street and he's bobbing and weavin- oh, and that mother? She's dead now. So anyway.
The other is like: Two characters are meeting up after a traumatic event. A death or something.
Guy number one says "Hi, Keith, my best friend since we were kids who I was really close to before the death of my sister he caused by drunk driving. How are you?"
Keith says "Yes, Brad. I was there, and driving drunk, and I killed your sister Bethany, who is your sister."