Reviews and Comments


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Just a simple queer skeleton sailing aboard a haunted pirate ship ☠️🏴‍☠️🏳️‍🌈

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Yakinikuteishoku: Does It Count If You Lose Your Virginity to an Android? Vol. 1 (2023, Seven Seas Entertainment, LLC) 4 stars

Does It Count If You Lose Your Virginity to an Android? Vol. 1 Review

4 stars

It’s funny and cute. Lots of smut, as you might expect, which is very important to know going in. Vol 1 is simple, focusing on the bizarre humor of an illegal and very forward sex robot just showing up at the apartment one day and the awkwardness of trying to deal with such a thing interrupting a regular life. The art is nice and cute, but it’s not gonna wow anybody I think. It’s a solid introduction to an ecchi Yuri story.

Yakinikuteishoku: Does It Count If You Lose Your Virginity to an Android? Vol. 2 (2023, Seven Seas Entertainment, LLC) 3 stars

Does It Count If You Lose Your Virginity to an Android? Vol. 2 Review

3 stars

This volume starts off by building a bit into the mystery behind Nadeshiko. She’s clearly advanced tech - beyond anything Akane is aware of - but her maker is a mystery that the volume slowly drop feeds at different spots in the volume. The mystery is interesting, but remains so firmly in the background of the story that it’s more an afterthought. While the virtual gathering of sexadroid owners at the very beginning had some fun bits, it was a bit of a letdown from what I imagined from the ending of vol 1, and it barely takes a chapter. Instead, the majority of the time is spent building Akane and Nadeshiko’s relationship, getting Akane more used to and embracing of Nadeshiko’s presence, whether she’s conscious of it or not. Oh, and tons of smut. Good stuff, though it may have taken up too much of the page time for …

Yakinikuteishoku: Does It Count If You Lose Your Virginity to an Android? Vol. 3 (2024, Seven Seas Entertainment, LLC) 4 stars

Does It Count If You Lose Your Virginity to an Android? Vol. 3 Review

4 stars

This volume continues to occasionally drip feed the mystery of Nadeshiko’s background to the reader in tiny doses, but this time instead of taking a back seat to mostly-smut, it now takes a back seat to the interpersonal drama between Akane and Jun - a girl who Akane used to watch over a bit years ago when they were both kids, who has sought her out in Tokyo because she’s always been secretly in love with Akane. Don’t you worry, there’s still plenty of nice smut. But now we have the love triangle of Akane, Jun, and Nadeshiko. With Jun’s confession, Akane finds herself having to confront how she really sees and feels for Nadeshiko. Is she just a sexadroid to her? Should she return June’s feelings?

Should they have a threesome!?!? (My answer is yes, but Akane doesn’t agree)

We also start seeing Nadeshiko express feelings in secret that …

Yakinikuteishoku: Does It Count If You Lose Your Virginity to an Android? Vol. 3 (2024, Seven Seas Entertainment, LLC) 4 stars

This volume continues to occasionally drip feed the mystery of Nadeshiko’s background to the reader in tiny doses, but this time instead of taking a back seat to mostly-smut, it now takes a back seat to the interpersonal drama between Akane and Jun - a girl who Akane used to watch over a bit years ago when they were both kids, who has sought her out in Tokyo because she’s always been secretly in love with Akane. Don’t you worry, there’s still plenty of nice smut. But now we have the love triangle of Akane, Jun, and Nadeshiko. With Jun’s confession, Akane finds herself having to confront how she really sees and feels for Nadeshiko. Is she just a sexadroid to her? Should she return June’s feelings?

Should they have a threesome!?!? (My answer is yes, but Akane doesn’t agree)

We also start seeing Nadeshiko express feelings in secret that …

Yakinikuteishoku: Does It Count If You Lose Your Virginity to an Android? Vol. 2 (2023, Seven Seas Entertainment, LLC) 3 stars

This volume starts off by building a bit into the mystery behind Nadeshiko. She’s clearly advanced tech - beyond anything Akane is aware of - but her maker is a mystery that the volume slowly drop feeds at different spots in the volume. The mystery is interesting, but remains so firmly in the background of the story that it’s more an afterthought. While the virtual gathering of sexadroid owners at the very beginning had some fun bits, it was a bit of a letdown from what I imagined from the ending of vol 1, and it barely takes a chapter. Instead, the majority of the time is spent building Akane and Nadeshiko’s relationship, getting Akane more used to and embracing of Nadeshiko’s presence, whether she’s conscious of it or not. Oh, and tons of smut. Good stuff, though it may have taken up too much of the page time for …

Yakinikuteishoku: Does It Count If You Lose Your Virginity to an Android? Vol. 1 (2023, Seven Seas Entertainment, LLC) 4 stars

It’s funny and cute. Lots of smut, as you might expect, which is very important to know going in. Vol 1 is simple, focusing on the bizarre humor of an illegal and very forward sex robot just showing up at the apartment one day and the awkwardness of trying to deal with such a thing interrupting a regular life. The art is nice and cute, but it’s not gonna wow anybody I think. It’s a solid introduction to an ecchi Yuri story.

Junji Itō: Uzumaki (Hardcover, 2013, VIZ Media) 4 stars

Kurôzu-cho, a small fogbound town on the coast of Japan, is cursed. According to Shuichi …

Review of Uzumaki

5 stars

What could I possibly say about Junji Ito’s works that have not already been said? He is a master at taking bizarre or mundane ideas and turning them into a creeping horror with his fantastic art style. This collection of stories about this doomed town and the people who live in it initially feels disconnected and disparate, but ultimately built up into a suitably Lovecraftian conclusion. If you are interested in horror manga and have not yet tried out this book, do yourself a favor and check it out.

Tanya Byrne: Afterlove (2021, Hachette Children's Group) 4 stars

Car headlights. The last thing Ash hears is the snap of breaking glass as the …

Review of Afterlove

4 stars

I enjoyed this one. I wanted something with a legitimate sapphic romance in it, and I got that. I liked the main character’s love interest. They were fun to watch together and I liked their personalities. The side characters were also good, though I didn’t really get enough time with any of them. That’s all right. The book is focused very heavily on the main pair and their story. There is a very clear three act structure and the first and third act are by far the strongest, in my opinion, and ends with a satisfying if bittersweet conclusion. It’s not that the second act is actually bad, per se. It’s more that, since I am really big on world building, I could see a lot of the cracks and thinness of some of the supernatural elements. By the time the third act came around, I was able to shrug …

reviewed Harrow the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir (The Locked Tomb, #2)

Tamsyn Muir: Harrow the Ninth (Paperback, 2021, 4 stars

"She answered the Emperor's call.

She arrived with her arts, her wits, and her only …

Harrow the Ninth – Review

5 stars

This series does not give up its secrets easily. It holds them closely and tightly like a squirrel with its nuts. I was left at the end of the last book with a lot of questions, and really pressing plot developments that I needed answers to, and “Harrow the Ninth“ wasn’t going to give them to me lightly. The book does its best from the get-go to upend your sense of reality, attacking your memories of what exactly happened in the first book. It does this both in story content - it directly contradicts events as you remember them from book one - but also in the narration. style. I can’t say that I have ever read another book that spends this much time in the second person. It took me quite a while to get used to it, as I typically despise second person, but once I did it …

Lana Harper: Payback's a Witch (2021, Little, Brown Book Group Limited) 4 stars

Chilling Adventures of Sabrina meets The L Word in this fresh, sizzling rom-com by Lana …

Payback's a Witch - Review

4 stars

Let me start off by saying to all my fellow fantasy and urban fantasy fans out there, do not go into this one expecting strong world building or magic systems. The magic and the trials are used for instigation, and as basic plot tools to put characters into confrontation with one another. In that, it is used well enough, but it is definitely not the focus of the story.

The characters and relationships, as well as the core conflict inside the main protagonist, are the key to the book's successes. Much of the tension comes from the connection of he main character, Emmy Harlow, to her hometown, and the way she is torn between loving it, and not wanting to feel trapped in it. Will she return home to the place she loves but with all the responsibilities and past pain that entails, or will she stay away in the …

reviewed Misrule by Heather Walter (Malice Duology, #2)

Heather Walter: Misrule (2022, Random House Publishing Group) 4 stars

Does true love break curses or begin them? The dark sorceress of “Sleeping Beauty” reclaims …

Misrule- Review

4 stars

True to its title, this follow-up to the first book, “Malice,” deals with themes of what it means to rule, to lead, and the ways cycles of abuse and violence result in misrule and bad leadership that further feeds those cycles. It asks the question, can these cycles be broken? Is reconciliation possible? Is forgiveness possible?

The misrule of leaders past and present on all sides fuel the chaos and tragedy that plagues the lives of everyone involved, as does systemic bigotry and abuse. All of this feels very pertinent to our times, while being broadly applicable at any time.

I don’t believe the novel nailed the conclusions the book arrives at in those themes, but I admire the attempt, and it’s far closer to the mark than every fairy tale perfect ending. The author recognizes that mistakes are not easily rectified, and forgiveness may or may not ever be …