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Martin Holland

Joined 2 years, 2 months ago

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Martin Holland's books

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Simon Garfield: All the Knowledge in the World (2022, Orion Publishing Group, Limited) 5 stars

Fascinating history of encyclopedias, from the print versions over Encarta to Wikipedia

5 stars

Great summary of the history of #encyclopedias with lots of fascinating insights and a focus on the #EncyclopædiaBritannica. The final chapters made me aware, that not Wikipedia really ended the printed encyclopedias, but #Encarta from #Microsoft, also one of my first encyclopedias. But of course #Wikipedia finished them all of and there seems to be no possible path for an alternative now...

Fintan O'Toole: We Don't Know Ourselves (2022, Liveright Publishing Corporation) 4 stars

Weaving his own experiences into this account of Irish social, cultural, and economic change, O’Toole …

Astonishing book about the modern history of Ireland

5 stars

This is one of those rare books, that show you the complete picture of a country. Ireland is certainly not in the centre of my attention, and I learned so much about its recent history, it's people and the drastic changes in the last decade. Absolutely worth every minute it took to read this not very short book..