IAmCortney rated Erasing Hell: 4 stars

Erasing Hell by Francis Chan
In this groundbreaking new book, Francis Chan and Preston Sprinkle take on the topic of hell and our eternal destiny, …
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In this groundbreaking new book, Francis Chan and Preston Sprinkle take on the topic of hell and our eternal destiny, …
An astonishing technique for recovering and cloning dinosaur DNA has been discovered. Now, one of mankind's most thrilling fantasies has …
Valuable expert tips that can turn you into a champion Pokemon player.
Everything Handmaids wear is red: the colour of blood, which defines us.
Offred is a Handmaid in the Republic of …
"Bestselling author Scott Hahn sheds new light on the Mass, offering readers a deeper appreciation of the most familiar of …
"十九年過去了, 哈利波特從一個勇敢的男孩蛻變為三個孩子的父親. 即使如此, 他依然深陷於往事的惡夢中, 他夢見父母, 夢見犧牲的夥伴, 思念和歉疚緊緊抓著他不放. 當他的閃電疤痕隱隱作痛, 哈利開始懷疑:「那個人」難道還沒有放過他? 最讓哈利感到憂心的, 是他與小兒子阿不思降至冰點的關係. 如果可以的話, 阿不思真不願意身為哈利波特的兒子, 彷彿必須要成為另一則「傳奇」, 才配得上他的父親. …
I'm an avid Harry Potter fan, but if I'm being completely honest this play read more like fan-fiction than anything else. By using time travel and alternate timelines it felt like it was trying to force in answer to the age old "what if?" questions of the Harry Potter universe. Mix that in with the general cheesiness of the writing itself and it was quite a burdensome read.
The author discusses how to cure the disease to please with a biblical understanding of the command to love; how …
Christians are taught in their churches and schools that prayer is the most powerful way to experience God. But few …