Lewis discusses the Christian faith in a tangible, eloquent way. He stitches together arguments for the validity of Christianity with his personal interpretation of living a Christian lifestyle in a smooth and digestible read. Recommended for mature Christians and skeptics alike.
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IAmCortney rated Surprised by Joy: 4 stars

Surprised by Joy by C. S. Lewis
Autobiography of the English theologian, novelist, and scholar, concerning his early years. The author's spiritual journey from Chrisitanity to atheism …
IAmCortney rated Gods at War: 4 stars
IAmCortney reviewed Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis
IAmCortney reviewed The Reason for God by Timothy Keller
Review of 'The Reason for God' on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
Keller brought to light new perspectives on several age-old objections to Christianity. As an ex-Agnostic in the process of converting, this book fed my natural skepticism excellently. I've read many Christian apologetics, and Keller provides an excellent open-minded approach to soul searching and faith.
IAmCortney reviewed It Was Me All Along: A Memoir by Andie Mitchell
Review of 'It Was Me All Along: A Memoir' on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
Mitchell leaves herself vulnerable, discussing intimate details of emotional eating and food addiction that anyone who's experienced it can relate to. In her inspiring memoir she walks the reader through the thoughts and cravings behind disordered eating and how she found a way out and into the world of balance and moderation. As someone with binge eating disorder, food addiction, and emotional eating issues this book was a gift from God. Andie proves that even for those of us in the deepest pit of self-destructive dieting (or lack thereof) behavior, there is a way out and it can be overcome.
For anyone with these types of issues, I highly recommend it. For people who have never had issues with food, it's still a thoughtful, hilarious and well-written behind the stage tour of someone who suffers from them. I honestly think everyone would be better for reading this book - whether …
Mitchell leaves herself vulnerable, discussing intimate details of emotional eating and food addiction that anyone who's experienced it can relate to. In her inspiring memoir she walks the reader through the thoughts and cravings behind disordered eating and how she found a way out and into the world of balance and moderation. As someone with binge eating disorder, food addiction, and emotional eating issues this book was a gift from God. Andie proves that even for those of us in the deepest pit of self-destructive dieting (or lack thereof) behavior, there is a way out and it can be overcome.
For anyone with these types of issues, I highly recommend it. For people who have never had issues with food, it's still a thoughtful, hilarious and well-written behind the stage tour of someone who suffers from them. I honestly think everyone would be better for reading this book - whether it's for self-recovery or to learn more about our food-obsessed culture.
IAmCortney rated The Language of God: 4 stars

The Language of God by Francis S. Collins
An instant bestseller, The Language of God provides the best argument for the integration of faith and logic since C.S. …
IAmCortney rated Get out of that pit: 3 stars

Get out of that pit by Beth Moore
"Helpful lessons for those who feel like they live in a state of confusion"--Provided by publisher.
IAmCortney reviewed The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
Review of 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower' on 'Goodreads'
3 stars
I'm an avid reader and this book has been very well-received, so of course I had to pick it up. I'm not sure how I feel about it honestly. I understand the overarching message of participation in life, but at the same time some of the moments in the book were just...strange. The main character is frustrating at times but that doesn't necessarily mean the book is bad. I definitely could see him learning and changing, as with all of the characters.
I think what makes me hesitate is that there was no real story arc. There was a plot, but when the novel ended I was just left thinking, "Oh. I guess it's over now. Okay." I didn't feel a climax or a resolution, it just felt awkward. Which I guess fits because it is just a kid talking about his life. There were several moments that felt somewhat …
I'm an avid reader and this book has been very well-received, so of course I had to pick it up. I'm not sure how I feel about it honestly. I understand the overarching message of participation in life, but at the same time some of the moments in the book were just...strange. The main character is frustrating at times but that doesn't necessarily mean the book is bad. I definitely could see him learning and changing, as with all of the characters.
I think what makes me hesitate is that there was no real story arc. There was a plot, but when the novel ended I was just left thinking, "Oh. I guess it's over now. Okay." I didn't feel a climax or a resolution, it just felt awkward. Which I guess fits because it is just a kid talking about his life. There were several moments that felt somewhat important, and they just happened and passed.
I'm blabbering here, but I really don't know what to say about this book. I enjoyed reading it but it is definitely a strange one. I wouldn't excitedly recommend this book to anyone, but I would still react positively if someone told me they were picking it up.
I know, most useless review ever, right?
IAmCortney reviewed The Martian by Andy Weir (The Martian, #1)
Review of 'The Martian' on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
This book is a beautiful mix of humor, science fiction, and a little bit of existentialism. I alternated between being on the edge of my seat in suspense or laughing at a well-placed joke. There's a reason it has a high rating - it's just damn good and it's hard to put down (I read it in two days!). I highly recommend it.
IAmCortney rated Gone Girl: 4 stars

Gillian Flynn: Gone Girl (2012, Windsor | Paragon)
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
Just how well can you ever know the person you love? This is the question that Nick Dunne must ask …
IAmCortney rated Candide: 5 stars
IAmCortney rated Gulliver's Travels: 5 stars

Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift, Malvina G. Vogel, Joshua Hanft, and 1 other
A wickedly clever satire uses comic inversions to offer telling insights into the nature of man and society. Nominated as …