KB2 finished reading Inwazja jaszczurów by Karel Čapek

Inwazja jaszczurów by Karel Čapek
Kapitan van Toch to typ bohatera jak z powieści Conrada: łączący w sobie cechy nieco gburowatego mizantropa i nieco infantylnego …
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Kapitan van Toch to typ bohatera jak z powieści Conrada: łączący w sobie cechy nieco gburowatego mizantropa i nieco infantylnego …
Kapitan van Toch to typ bohatera jak z powieści Conrada: łączący w sobie cechy nieco gburowatego mizantropa i nieco infantylnego …
An easy book with a great geeky sense of humor. Many memorable moments and jokes that add up to surprisingly satisfying worldbuilding, but a rather thin storyline – which never seemed to be the main point, anyways.
"One of the monuments of modern science fiction."--Chicago Tribune
"A portrayal of an alien society more complete and deeply detailed …
"One of the monuments of modern science fiction."--Chicago Tribune
"A portrayal of an alien society more complete and deeply detailed …
The battle of competing translations, a new publishing phenomenon which began with One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, …
The battle of competing translations, a new publishing phenomenon which began with One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, …
You can go after the job you want...and get it! You can take the job you have...and improve it! You …
You can go after the job you want...and get it! You can take the job you have...and improve it! You …