Much better than the 2nd volume. The plot felt more tied together, unlike the 2nd volume. Also, those fish babies are cute!!! 🥰
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16% complete! Kabub has read 4 of 24 books.
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Kabub started reading Amerikas Gotteskrieger by Annika Brockschmidt

Amerikas Gotteskrieger by Annika Brockschmidt
Sie lehnen alles Staatliche ab, propagieren „White-Supremacy“, kämpfen gegen Abtreibung, befürworten erzkonservative Geschlechterrollen und wähnen sich im Krieg gegen satanische …
Kabub finished reading Disabled Tyrant's Beloved Pet Fish by Xue Shan Fei Hu
Kabub rated Disabled Tyrant's Beloved Pet Fish: 4 stars

Disabled Tyrant's Beloved Pet Fish by Xue Shan Fei Hu, Ryoplica, Changle, and 1 other
Kabub started reading Disabled Tyrant's Beloved Pet Fish by Xue Shan Fei Hu

Disabled Tyrant's Beloved Pet Fish by Xue Shan Fei Hu, Ryoplica, Changle, and 1 other
Kabub rated Splinter of the mind's eye: 2 stars

Splinter of the mind's eye by Alan Dean Foster
On a mission in the Circarpous system, Princess Leia Organa and Alliance Pilot Luke Skywalker are forced to crash land …
Kabub finished reading The Pathless Path by Paul Millerd
I realized that "I" perspective or "my" journey self-development books are not my favourite style, I prefer a more subjective approach. However, this book has many insights, accounts from other people, and historical information that make it an interesting and worthwhile read.
Kabub finished reading Splinter of the mind's eye by Alan Dean Foster
Not my favourite... but I think it's mainly the old style and format of paperbacks. The story felt rushed and choppy, the main story event didn't happen until the last chapter. Darth Vader did not feel like Darth Vader, the way he spoke is not conducive with the character.
Kabub started reading The Pathless Path by Paul Millerd
Kabub set a goal to read 24 books in 2025
Kabub started reading Splinter of the mind's eye by Alan Dean Foster

Splinter of the mind's eye by Alan Dean Foster
On a mission in the Circarpous system, Princess Leia Organa and Alliance Pilot Luke Skywalker are forced to crash land …
Kabub wants to read The Rising Storm by Cavan Scott (Star Wars: The High Republic, #2)

The Rising Storm by Cavan Scott (Star Wars: The High Republic, #2)
Following the dramatic events of Light of the Jedi, the heroes of the High Republic era return to face a …
Kabub wants to read Light of the Jedi by Charles Soule (Star Wars: The High Republic, #1)

Light of the Jedi by Charles Soule (Star Wars: The High Republic, #1)
Long before the First Order, before the Empire, before even The Phantom Menace. . . Jedi lit the way for …
Kabub wants to read Thrawn by Timothy Zahn (Star Wars: Thrawn, #1)

Thrawn by Timothy Zahn (Star Wars: Thrawn, #1)
Found on an unnamed Outer Rim planet, the exiled Chiss warrior Thrawn pledges himself to Emperor Palpatine and joins the …
High Stakes Through and Through!
5 stars
I have not read a book that pulled on my heart strings like this one in a very long time. So many times there was a glimmer of hope, you start to believe, just for it to be utterly destroyed moments later. It was such an amazing read, my favourite Star Wars book so far. I highly recommend this book to anyone who like high stakes types of reads, this story will not disappoint.