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Kelson Reads

Joined 2 years, 11 months ago

Techie, software developer, hobbyist photographer, sci-fi/fantasy and comics fan in the Los Angeles area. He/him.

Mostly reading science fiction these days, mixing in some fantasy and some non-fiction (mostly tech and science), occasionally other stuff. As far as books go, anyway. (I read more random articles than I probably should.)

Reviews are cross-posted on my website and I have a blog dedicated to Les Misérables.

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Ursula K. Le Guin: Five Ways to Forgiveness (Paperback, 2024, Orion Publishing Group, Limited) 4 stars

But what he saw as important was the fact that, just as the Corporations had, he controlled the net. The news, the information programs, the puppets of the neareals, all danced to his strings. Against that, what harm could a lot of teachers do? Parents who had no schooling had children who entered the net to hear and see and feel what the Chief wanted them to know: that freedom is obedience to leaders, that virtue is violence, that manhood is domination. Against the enactment of such truths in daily life and in the heightened sensational experience of the neareals, what good were words?

Five Ways to Forgiveness by 

Depressingly familiar, but then Le Guin was very well-versed in history and anthropology, and authoritarians often work from a common playbook.

(It's not stated explicitly, but I've gathered that "nereals" (near+real) are virtual reality experiences.)

commented on Soonish by Kelly Weinersmith

Kelly Weinersmith: Soonish (2017) 4 stars

I'm finally reading this. It's been interesting to look at the chapters on space colonization, asteroid mining, robot swarms, fusion and so on where things are either still just as far away or have otherwise turned out to be more complicated (see: A City on Mars)....

...and then I got to the chapter on Augmented Reality, which they had to revise hastily just before print to account for the arrival of Pokemon Go....

...and the chapter on this cool new genetic modification technique called CRISPR...which has been making headlines with treatments that have been approved and gone into practice this past year.

Some things have been moving faster than others!

Cordwainer Smith: Short Fiction (EBook, en language, Standard Ebooks) 4 stars

Cordwainer Smith was one pseudonym of Paul Myron Anthony Linebarger, a U.S. Army officer, scholar …

3 stories from the "here's a weird idea" side of science-fiction.

4 stars

Not so much a thematic collection as the three stories that have both entered into the public domain and already been transcribed at Project Gutenberg. Plot and characterization are just enough to explore, or at least express, the concept.

War No. 81-Q: Short, bird's eye view of a "war" fought entirely using remote controlled drones...on a designated battlefield with a time limit, like a tournament, with spectators. So you want to settle your international disputes with violence. Why harm actual people?

Scanners Live In Vain: Very much worth reading. The main character is a "scanner," a man who has had all his senses and emotional centers surgically cut off so that he can endure the "pain of space," a neurological effect that prevents normal people from traveling across deep space except in suspended animation. Between missions, they can use a wire to literally reconnect to their humanity for short periods …

Ursula K. Le Guin: The Telling (2003, Ace) 4 stars

Thoughtful tale of culture vs monoculture

5 stars

The cover blurb makes it sound like a cautionary tale about our highly-tech-dependent world (even in the 1990s!), but it's not the technology that's the problem. It's the homogenization of culture, and the insistence that there be one perspective, and only one perspective, that really matters.

Think of how we travel and find the same chain stores, chain restaurants, the ISO standard Irish Pub with its bric-a-brac decor, and how our TV and movies are full of endless reboots, spinoffs and sequels.

We see it first in Sutty's memories of Earth, controlled largely by a theocracy until contact with alien civilizations kicks their support out from under them. And then in the world she's trying to understand, one that's undergone a complete transformation in the time it took her to travel there at relativistic speed. She knows there were flourishing cultures here before she left Earth. She studied the few …

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Where do folks go to get DRM-free epub books when they're trying to avoid Amazon and Barnes & Noble?

I use and for my hard copies of things, but I LOVE my eBooks too.

Right now the only advantage to Amazon is that I can legally break the DRM, so the book is truly mine once I purchase it (I won't buy eBooks I can't unlock). But I'd really like to find alternate sources of DRM-free books. Ideas?