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Osprey rated The waterborne blade: 2 stars

The waterborne blade by Susan Murray
The citadel has long been the stronghold of highkell. All that is about to change because the traitor, vasic, is …
Osprey set a goal to read 5 books in 2023
Osprey set a goal to read 5 books in 2023

Fireborne by Rosaria Munda (The Aurelian Cycle, #1)
Annie and Lee were just children when a brutal revolution changed their world, giving everyone--even the lowborn--a chance to test …
Osprey rated Warrior bronze: 3 stars

Warrior bronze by Michelle Paver (Gods and warriors -- 5)
Hylas and Pirra return to Akea for their final confrontation with their arch-enemies, the Crows. They must recover the dagger …
Osprey rated The crocodile tomb: 3 stars

Michelle Paver: The crocodile tomb (2016)
The crocodile tomb by Michelle Paver (Gods and warriors -- book 4)
"Hylas and Pirra arrive in Egypt to search for the powerful dagger, but Telemon and the Crows are there too, …
Osprey rated The eye of the falcon: 4 stars

The eye of the falcon by Michelle Paver (Gods and warriors -- book 3)
"Hylas and Pirra travel to the House of the Goddess in hopes of finding the prophesized dagger, only to find …
Osprey rated That Hideous Strength: 1 star

That Hideous Strength by C. S. Lewis (Space Trilogy, #3)
The third novel in the science-fiction trilogy by C.S. Lewis. This final story is set on Earth, and tells of …
Osprey rated The Burning Shadow: 3 stars
Osprey rated Murder on the Orient Express: 4 stars

Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie
While en route from Syria to Paris, in the middle of a freezing winter's night, the Orient Express is stopped …
Osprey rated Empire of Silence: 3 stars

Christopher Ruocchio: Empire of Silence (2019, Orion Publishing Group, Limited)
Empire of Silence by Christopher Ruocchio
It was not his war. On the wrong planet, at the right time, for the best reasons, Hadrian Marlowe started …
Osprey rated The Bone Ships: 5 stars
Osprey rated Afterimage: 4 stars

Naomi Hughes: Afterimage (2018, Page Street Publishing Company)
Afterimage by Naomi Hughes
A sci-fi thriller about Camryn Kingfisher, a seventeen-year-old who is the sole survivor of an explosion that kills thousands including …