Enjoyed Clare Deming's review.... will see about requesting this from the library
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aka Lizziewriter aka ElizabethR She/her Reviews & some history continuing here from Goodreads January 2024
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TaxideaDaisy wants to read Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire (Wayward Children, #1)
TaxideaDaisy started reading Tomoe Gozen by Jessica Amanda Salmonson (Ace science fiction)
TaxideaDaisy wants to read Iranian Leviathan by Jason Reza Jorjani
sounds like a similar combination of sketchy, mad, biased, cranky -- and informative, as Dawkins' The Ancestor's Tale, which we mean to take another stab at one day. In fact that's probably not a fair comparison to Dawkins, but anyway... toxic genius.
TaxideaDaisy wants to read Coyote Weather by Amanda Cockrell
TaxideaDaisy finished reading The best Buddhist writing 2011 by Melvin McLeod
TaxideaDaisy wants to read The best Buddhist writing 2011 by Melvin McLeod
Accidentally posted this to To-Read rather than as my review at Read:
A variety of short pieces, suitable for reading at breakfast (or whenever, but that's when I read it). I liked some pieces more than others (skimmed the one that was mostly about someone's battles of will with their toddler). There were familiar concepts as well as new ones.
Good book, accessible to a range of reader types. Recommended.
TaxideaDaisy finished reading A Shard of Sun by Jess E. Owen (The Summer King Chronicles, #III)
TaxideaDaisy finished reading Inuyasha. VizBig Edition, Volume 12: Shifting Alliances by Rumiko Takahashi (Inuyasha VizBig, #12)

Inuyasha. VizBig Edition, Volume 12: Shifting Alliances by Rumiko Takahashi (Inuyasha VizBig, #12)
Naraku steals the sacred stone of the “living mountain” demon Gakusanjin. Then, thieves have their eye on the gift Gakusanjin …
TaxideaDaisy finished reading Inuyasha Volume 11 VizBig "Helping Hands" by Rumiko Takahashi (Inuyasha VizBig, #11)

Inuyasha Volume 11 VizBig "Helping Hands" by Rumiko Takahashi (Inuyasha VizBig, #11)
Inu Yasha 3 in 1 Edition volume 11 collects volumes 31-33 in omnibus format and features story and art by …
TaxideaDaisy finished reading Inuyasha Volume 10 Inuyasha Vizbig Edition by Rumiko Takahashi

Inuyasha Volume 10 Inuyasha Vizbig Edition by Rumiko Takahashi
563 p. : 22 cm
TaxideaDaisy wants to read The poetry of Seamus Heaney : a critical study by Neil Corcoran

Quick impressions
3 stars
Quick impressions: If you want to have a daily message on how to live life better and some advice, this book is a good option. It can also be a good option for readers who want a short daily read that is also secular.
(Full review available on my blog.)
TaxideaDaisy finished reading Soul Sign by Reyna Favis

Fionnáin reviewed Why Rebel by Jay Griffiths
Passionate Rebellion
4 stars
Jay Griffiths is a unique voice in climate activism. They easily move through essay and fiction, keeping a creative and passionate voice in either. This collection of essays is the former, about how and why Griffiths became involved with Extincion Rebellion.
The second half of the book focuses on this move into rebellion, but the first half is the one that caught my attention more. I love how Griffiths describes metaphor, and the role(s) of artists as shamanic guides. How the essays present the contrast between rationalism, literalism and libertarianism with environmental and social movements is beautiful and captivating. The personal stories are also perfectly pitched.