Reviews and Comments

Quinn (they/them)

Joined 10 months, 2 weeks ago

Reading just for amusement & cause I’m dying to understand all the nuanced complexities of the world we live in.

Open to recommendations on property abolition, land back, unionizing, and commoning.

Mostly read audiobooks.

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Eric Ries: The Lean Startup (Paperback, 2011, Crown Business) 4 stars

"Most startups are built to fail. But those failures, according to entrepreneur Eric Ries, are …

I’m mostly embarrassed I forced myself to read this book all the way through. The list of absolutely disgusting and useless businesses used as success stories is a blatant demonstration of the absolute wastefulness of our capitalist system pushing money and energy and mental power to ‘innovate’ in a bottom line capacity. There were a handful of useful tools but the content was painful to take in. These people are swimming in the coolaid and have no idea they are a giant red flag indicating the horrendous state our world is in.

Jessica Fern: Polysecure (2020, Thorntree Press, LLC) 4 stars

Attachment theory has entered the mainstream, but most discussions focus on how we can cultivate …

Not just for polyam or romantic relationships

No rating

Probably the best book I’ve read on adult attachment theory so far and I would say this is a more universal read that the title might impress. Fern gives an astoundingly thorough, textured and accessible explanation of attachment styles, including societal and environmental influences, and gently side stepping the parent blame game. Fern also does an excellent job including connections vs attachments and secure base vs safe haven, breaking relation into chunks that you can then start to piece together for yourself. I think this book would be beneficial to anyone and everyone who wants to learn about attachment in adults, and how to nurture secure attachments with the people in their life, romantic/sexual or not. If I were to compare it to Attached (as many people do) I would say that this is a much more beautifully nuanced book that can give readers more practical tools to identify what …

Yanis Varoufakis: Another Now (2020, Random House Children's Books) 4 stars

Imagine a world with no banks. No stock market. No tech giants. No billionaires.

Imagine …

Need to understand post-capitalism? Start here

5 stars

Grateful of this authors dedication to making accessible political and economic theories that are post capitalist. This is a sci-fi that has been clearly written by someone who does not write fiction. But it does an excellent job of creating dialogue and painting an extremely viable and alternate world that doesn’t not include capitalism. We’ve all been brainwashed to believe that capitalism is the only viable economic system. Read this book to shatter that belief and begin to understand just how real and viable alternative are. It took me a long time to read cause it’s quite heavy, but I cared enough about what the author wrote to not just skim over it, even when things got a little over explained. I would love to read this as a graphic novel, but until then, this will do. I give it 5 stars because I really appreciate what Yanis has done …

Martin Adams: Land (2015, North Atlantic Books) 2 stars

Valuable insight turned into neoliberal politics

2 stars

There is some substantially insightful information in this book about land, property and individual ownership. But the solutions to the information brought up is watered down and mostly disempowering. For anyone new to this area, this book can give you some excellent groundwork about why individual property ownership needs to be disrupted. Unfortunately, the author falls short on the solution, and basically suggests how we need to change the way we tax people, while weaving in various “inspirational quotes” from Gandhi, “Native American proverb” and others. It’s possible the publisher insisted on watering down the content, but it was really a letdown. Solely focusing on obscure policy changes as solutions without any suggestion as to how do this work as a general population is saying “try voting for someone who hopefully read this book”, which is kinda pointless imo. even if I was convinced by their policy and new ways …