This was really a fun read! It can be classified as a "cozy fantasy mystery" and is excellent in this class. The plot moves along quickly and the magical world-building is quite well-fleshed out consistent. I highly recommend this delightful tale!
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Wim3141 rated Return of the Wizard King: 5 stars
Wim3141 rated The Gods Themselves (The Isaac Asimov Collection): 3 stars

The Gods Themselves (The Isaac Asimov Collection) by Isaac Asimov
The year is 2100 A.D.…
And Man no longer stands alone in the universe.
Now there are other worlds, other …
Wim3141 rated Foundation and Empire (The Isaac Asimov Collection): 4 stars

Isaac Asimov: Foundation and Empire (The Isaac Asimov Collection) (1982, Doubleday)
Foundation and Empire (The Isaac Asimov Collection) by Isaac Asimov
Led by its founding father, the great psychohistorian Hari Seldon, and taking advantage of its superior science and technology, the …
Wim3141 rated Prelude to Foundation: 4 stars

Prelude to Foundation by Isaac Asimov (Foundation, #6)
Voici une occasion tant pour ceux qui ont lu les cinq volumes du cycle ##Fondation## d'en constater la prȟistoire, que …
Wim3141 rated Isaac Asimov's Robots In Time: Book2: 5 stars
Wim3141 rated Foundation and Empire (The Isaac Asimov Collection): 5 stars

Isaac Asimov: Foundation and Empire (The Isaac Asimov Collection) (1982, Doubleday)
Foundation and Empire (The Isaac Asimov Collection) by Isaac Asimov
Led by its founding father, the great psychohistorian Hari Seldon, and taking advantage of its superior science and technology, the …
Wim3141 rated The crime at Black Dudley: 5 stars

Margery Allingham: The crime at Black Dudley (Paperback, 1979, Penguin)
The crime at Black Dudley by Margery Allingham (Penguin crime fiction)
The Black Dudley is an ancient, remote mansion inhabited by recluse, Colonel Combe, but owned by Waytt Petrie, a young …
Wim3141 reviewed The Flaw in All Magic by Ben S. Dobson
Wim3141 rated Bread for life diet: 5 stars

Witchmark by C. L. Polk (The Kingston Cycle, #1)
Magic marked Miles Singer for suffering the day he was born, doomed either to be enslaved to his family's interest …
Wim3141 rated Margaret Atwood, "The handmaid's tale": 5 stars
Wim3141 rated The Symposium (Penguin Classics): 5 stars

The Symposium (Penguin Classics) by Plato
In the course of a lively drinking party, a group of Athenian intellectuals exchange views on eros, or desire. From …
Wim3141 rated The Shadow of the Wind: 5 stars

The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón
Hidden in the heart of the old city of Barcelona is the 'Cemetery of Forgotten Books', a labyrinthine library of …