Margaret Atwood, "The handmaid's tale"

English language

Published Dec. 2, 1999

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4 stars (91 reviews)

1 edition

Review of 'Margaret Atwood, "The handmaid\'s tale"' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This book has been on my radar since at least 2015, so I’m glad I finally got the chance to get around to it this year. (It was top on my TBR in terms of popularity on Goodreads.) It was also my first introduction to Margaret Atwood. The Handmaid’s Tale is a powerful dystopian read that has cemented itself as a modern classic—everything about it was so familiar to me from pop culture and media, yet that didn’t dampen my enjoyment of it.

The narrative is fragmented and disjointed since it is presented as a recollection or memoir by the protagonist; consequently, it is also in first-person POV. Atwood handled this rather well—Offred’s reflections on her past and the current state of dystopia felt genuine. Her difficulty in recollecting older things or ruminations on the future were palpable and lent a sense of realism. Many authors fail to do first-person …

Review of 'Margaret Atwood, "The handmaid\'s tale"' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

3/5. I enjoyed this book more than I thought I would. While it's a disturbing read, the story was compelling, relevant and important, even nearly 35 years after it was written. I understand why Atwood left so many of the details vague and enjoyed getting snippets here and there as it unfolded, but I would have liked more detail in the end. I'm interested to see what she does in the sequel, The Testaments.

Review of 'Margaret Atwood, "The handmaid\'s tale"' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

5 stars out of 5

It isn't often that I grant a book 5 stars, especially when I at first marked it as "un-promising".
I'm not really a fan of literature. With a plethora of languages in my curriculum at high school, I was forced to read way too many boring stuffy books denominated as "literature", and it put me off said literature for the rest of my life. But sometimes there are gems that are actually worth reading. Beautiful gruesome awful books that slowly torture you with tiny pricks of dread and horror. This book is one of them.

There is no fast-paced action, no witty dialogue. The writing is disjointed and commits many of the writing no-no's like constantly switching from narrative to flashback, sometimes in the same paragraph. The narrator rambles on, recounting too many details that at first seem pointless and needless.
But once you work …

Review of 'Margaret Atwood, "The handmaid\'s tale"' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This review will have to wait a little, so I can churn this narrative down.

Review Coming soon. Oh man. Oh man. Or should I say "oh woman"? I feel devastated. What a wonderful book. I started reading it years ago, but for whatever reason I never finished. Now I reread the whole thing. What an amazing narrative.

Review of 'Margaret Atwood, "The handmaid\'s tale"' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I had bought and read this book when it first came out in paperback in 1985 when I was a grad student. I loved it then! I still love it! I totally forgotten that the end was somewhat ambiguous as to what the outcome was of "of Fred". It definitely paints a picture of the truly warped society with warped views of people and religion. The author does a good job using first person to express the individual feelings of thee handmaid and the plight of society. In some ways, the end is a little encouraging, because it shows the. To be only a period and to come to an end, but it's a little bit unnerving that the characters that we have come to know are not completed. On the other hand, nothing is left hanging per se. I am looking forward to reading it (or listening to it) …

Review of 'Margaret Atwood, "The handmaid\'s tale"' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

A brilliant but utterly depressing dystopian novel. Depressing because when I watch American news, the Republic of Gilead seems this close to reality. It's scary that in a country with a very long history of religious nutjobs there are still enough religious nutjobs who could set up a theocratic government and turn women into breeding machines.

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