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Alex M Locked account

Joined 10 months, 4 weeks ago

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Mark C. Chu-Carroll: Good Math (2013) 3 stars

Review of 'Good Math' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

This is a collection of the author's blog posts. There's a lot to like about this book if it's your first time encountering the subjects. The range is wide, and the topics are interesting.

That being said, if you're interested in maths and computer science you've probably encountered most of the subjects before. The treatment of each of them is somewhat superficial. On the flip side, each of the chapters can act as a launchpad for your own in-depth research on the topic. Just don't expect the autor to always point you in the right direction. Or any direction for that matter, the references are quite sparse.

The copy editing is very poor, and there are plenty of typos and other mistakes that make it distracting to follow the text at times.

I found the first part of the book more enjoyable. The author clearly has a soft spot for …