Reviews and Comments


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Brandon Sanderson: The Final Empire (2006, Tor) 4 stars

For a thousand years the ash fell and no flowers bloomed. For a thousand years …

Review of 'The Final Empire' on 'GoodReads'

2 stars

I came rather close to giving up, but my protestant work ethic apparently required me to finish the book.

While I certainly liked the characters, with their various flaws, and surprisingly concrete magic system (a Sanderson staple, from what I understand), the dialogue and exposition in general was cringe-worthy. Yes, I get that Vin is traumatized and has trust issues, but maybe we can show some of the consequences without continuously pointing out the causality?

Or just give Ham more screen time, although I suspect there's a reason the novel doesn't try following up on any of the moral questions he poses.

Neil Gaiman: Anansi Boys (Paperback, 2006, Harper Torch) 4 stars

God is dead. Meet the kids.

When Fat Charlie's dad named something, it stuck. Like …

Review of 'Anansi boys' on 'GoodReads'

5 stars

Much lighter (both physically and mentally) than American Gods, this was a fun and relaxing read. I love Gaiman's playfulness with words, concepts and references throughout the book.

The only downside being the multiple times I laughed out loud and had to tell the kids that no, in order to explain the joke, I would have to retell much of the story so far.