danhon finished reading Alien Clay by Adrian Tchaikovsky (duplicate)

Alien Clay by Adrian Tchaikovsky (duplicate)
Professor Arton Daghdev has always wanted to study alien life in person. But when his political activism sees him exiled …
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Professor Arton Daghdev has always wanted to study alien life in person. But when his political activism sees him exiled …
The book opens on Earth, eleven thousand years from now. The Anth met their end long ago. (You’ll learn how …
Investigator Mossa and Scholar Pleiti reunite to solve a brand-new mystery in the follow-up to the fan-favorite cozy space opera …
Out in the darkness of space, something is targeting the Greatships.
With their vast cargo holds and a crew that …
Following the critically acclaimed Infinity Gate comes the second and final novel in the Pandominion by international bestselling M.R. Carey. …
Return to the Universe of the ARCANA IMPERII with a collection of novellas from Miles Cameron.Following the events of ARTIFACT …
A crew must try to survive on an ancient, abandoned planet in the latest space horror novel from S.A. Barnes, …
Calculating God is the new near-future SF thriller from the popular and award-winning Robert J. Sawyer. An alien shuttle craft …
Summer has come to Niflheim. The lichens are growing, the six-winged bat-things are chirping, and much to his own surprise, …
Mickey hat einen einfachen Job. Er hilft einer Expeditionscrew, den Eisplaneten Niflheim zu kolonisieren, und dabei übernimmt er alle gefährlichen …
A ragtag space crew discovers alien technology that could change the fate of humanity—or awaken an ancient evil that could …