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faehnrich's books

Currently Reading

Deb Chachra: How Infrastructure Works (2023, Penguin Publishing Group) 5 stars

A new way of seeing the essential systems hidden inside our walls, under our streets, …

I thought it was going to be like "here's how sewers work", but it's much deeper than that. It goes into how infrastructure affects societies.

It shows the benefits of collective projects, but never forgets that infrastructure can also be used to give more resources to the powerful at the expense of the powerless.

But was ultimately overall hopeful, because it shows how infrastructure is a form of mutual aid.

James Clear: Atomic Habits (EBook, 2022, Avery) 4 stars

No matter your goals, Atomic Habits offers a proven framework for improving—every day. James Clear, …

My wife had it and said it was good. I wanted to see if I could glean any insights from it. Most of it is stuff that makes sense and might have heard before, but some good things I'll try to put into practice. Even just reading gave me some motivation.