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Joined 1 year, 6 months ago

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Eric Ries: The Lean Startup (Paperback, 2011, Crown Business) 4 stars

"Most startups are built to fail. But those failures, according to entrepreneur Eric Ries, are …


3 stars

It's fine. I'll spoil it for you: It boils down to "experiment and do more the things that work and less of the things that don't, even if that means you end up doing something completely different than you set out to accomplish."

Lou Downe: Good Services (2019, Bis B.V., Uitgeverij (BIS Publishers)) 5 stars

Service design is a rapidly growing area of interest in design and business management. There …

Unassuming book, packed with insights

5 stars

This isn't so much a "how-to" book, as it is a "how" book. It'll give you new ways of thinking about things you probably already ideas about. The design is… "interesting." I don't mind the bright colors, but the entire book is set in single-spaced Helvetica bold, which is definitely not conducive to reading. Look past this and you'll find a lot of substance here.