Reviews and Comments

G. Deyke

Joined 1 year, 1 month ago

Initially cross-posting from Goodreads.

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reviewed Mirrored Heavens by Rebecca Roanhorse (Between Earth and Sky, #3)

Rebecca Roanhorse, Rebecca Roanhorse: Mirrored Heavens (Hardcover, 2024, Simon & Schuster, Saga Press) 5 stars

The interwoven destinies of the people of Meridian will finally be determined in this stunning …

Excellent conclusion

4 stars

Two things that stood about about this book in particular: one is the way it finished off the series (satisfying but also super daring; to say more would be full of spoilers, but massive respect for this), and the other is a minor conversation between two characters about fashion.

It is incredibly refreshing to have a character - especially a male character, even though he's not cross-dressing - wearing a nice long full skirt, because skirts offer better freedom of motion than pants while fighting. This runs counter to so many lazy cross-dressing tropes, it's realistic, it's aesthetic, it's great. It's so great.

reviewed Fevered Star by Rebecca Roanhorse (Between Earth and Sky, #2)

Rebecca Roanhorse: Fevered Star (Hardcover, 2022, Gallery / Saga Press) 4 stars

There are no tides more treacherous than those of the heart. —Teek saying

The great …

Solid, no more and no less

4 stars

A thing I really liked about the first book was the way every single character was sympathetic, and I was rooting for all of them, despite the way that several of them were operating at cross purposes. This is no longer the case here. There is clear villain (several, really; one is a repeated viewpoint character). This changes the vibe. I'm already invested, but if I weren't, this would feel a bit... I don't know, not bad as such, but nothing special, either.

I really don't have much to say about this book, and that's partly because I'm barely able to string enough words together for a book review anymore, and partly because I went straight on to the next one and am regarding this more as "middle section of a whole" than as a book in its own right, but it's also partly because the whole book honestly feels …

Davinia Evans: Notorious Sorcerer (2022, Orbit) 4 stars

Excellent worldbuilding and characters

5 stars

There's a lot of complexity here. The worldbuilding is top-notch, without many shortcuts: social strata viewed from more than one side, foreigners from all over with culture and languages and everything that feel consistent and realistic even when they're only mentioned in passing. Honestly this feels like a technical masterpiece in so many ways: there are a lot of moving parts and they all meet up like some sort of complex knotwork; lots of characters, with proper arcs and everything, but introduced at a rate and in a manner that keeps them easy to keep track of; some of the best-done character voices I've seen; perspective-hopping showcasing things (characters, situations, social classes, privilege) from different sides in a way that feels easy and natural. It's just... really well done.

It's also just a fun read. Engrossing, left me wanting more.

Selling points: fun, fast-paced, great worldbuilding, casual bisexuality with no …

Nora Bendzko: Wolfssucht (German language, 2016, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform) 3 stars

Irina musste als Kind mit ansehen, wie ihre Schwester Leonore ermordet wurde. Nur weil Skandar, …

absolut grauslich (aber was erwartet man ja von einem Märchen)

3 stars

Das Buch hätte wirklich Inhaltswarnungen brauchen können. Es gibt anscheinend auch welche auf der Website der Autorin, leider aber nicht im Buch selber. Daher erstmal ein paar Warnungen: Sex, explizit; sexuelle Übergriffe bis hin zur Vergewaltigung, auch von Kindern; grausamer, sexuell übertonter Mord; fehlende Autonomie; Misbrauch von Kindern; Krieg; Inzucht (unbewusst).

Ich hab das Buch trotzdem genossen, aber wahrscheinlich hätte ich nicht, wenn ich mich nicht besonders für Märchen interessieren würde. Es war auf jeden Fall interessant zu sehen, wie jedes Element von Rötkäppchen eingebaut wurde. Und es hat auch etwas zum nachdenken angeregt. Schwierig war es aber doch, und ich hatte auch ein bisschen das Gefühl, dass es Vergewaltigung etwas verkleinert - dadurch, dass sie fast wie Shock-Value aussah, anstatt ernsthaft thematisiert zu werden. Der eine Täter kann irgendwie nichts dafür, gegen den anderen kann man sich relativ leicht wehren, und die Häufigkeit, mit der sie vorzukommen scheint, lässt …

Arden Powell: The Bayou (Paperback) 4 stars

"Eugene didn’t know if he believed in the devil beyond the wicked things people did …

Deep, slow, creeping

4 stars

I have to say, Eugene might be the single most passive protagonist I've ever seen. Not a flaw in the writing: a deliberate character choice. There's depression and all-pervading anxiety, yes, but the level of passivity here - of learned helplessness - was deep enough to be engrossing, to have me wondering: what caused this? How did he get to be this way?

The question is answered. It is one of many questions raised and answered, or first answered and later raised: as short as this novella is, there's a many-layered depth to it that rises the more I think about it.

There's also a very consistent atmosphere to it - thick, oppressive, uneasy; dread so creeping that it feels more like depression than fear. Might be a hard read, if it were longer. Though, again: there's more to it than its length implies.

Selling points: gay, hella atmosphere, depth, …

John Scalzi: The Ghost Brigades (2007) 4 stars

The Ghost Brigades is a science fiction novel by American writer John Scalzi, the second …

Easily the best book in the series

3 stars

Possibly because it's the only one featuring an underdog, and actually - to an extent - addressing the incredibly White American Male viewpoint that pervades the series (as, in fact, it does a lot of Scalzi's writing). This book was interesting, but still ultimately centrist, and of course the premise of the series - which this book can't really help, being a sequal - is still kind of weird and nonsensical. I guess The Power of Colonialism is so great that it is an important goal in and of itself, not even because resources or population exploring or whatever else: all of these are explicitly mentioned as being unimportant. War for war's sake, colonialism for colonialism's sake. It's not even about expansion.

Again, though: this book was interesting and had a better perspective, so I can't complain all too much.

reviewed The Collapsing Empire by John Scalzi (The Interdependency, #1)

John Scalzi: The Collapsing Empire (EBook, 2017, Tom Doherty Associates) 4 stars

In the far future, humanity has left Earth to create a glorious empire. Now this …

90% Political Intrigue

3 stars

(Goes for the entire series.)

Do you enjoy reading about super-rich assholes posturing at each other, engaging in dominance displays, threats, murder, and saying one thing but meaning another? If so, this is the book/series for you! (If not, you will probably be bored. There's technically some worldbuilding and characters and whatnot in here, but they're pretty much buried under the scheming and power grabs.)

Katja Krauss: Emotionen bei Hunden sehen lernen (Hardcover, German language) 4 stars

Hunde-Körpersprache einmal anders: Dieser einzigartige, in vielen Jahren des Beobachtens entstandene Bildband konzentriert sich weniger …

[Adapted from initial review on Goodreads.]

4 stars

Liest sich immer mal wieder ein bisschen wie Tellington-TTouch-Werbung, und ab und zu kamen auch Vorschläge über andere Quacksalberei wie Akupunktur und Homöopathie: daher ein Stern weniger.

Davon abgesehen ist das Buch bei WEITEM das beste, dass ich je zum Thema gesehen hab (auf Deutsch oder Englisch). Natürlich kommt immer noch nicht 100prozentig jedes Signal darin vor. Es ist aber mindestens um ein 10faches umfangsreicher und ausführlicher wie jedes andere, dass ich kenn. Die vielen großen Farbfotos und detaillierte Beschreibungen helfen enorm, den Blick auch wirklich zu schulen.

Sollte von allen, die mit Hunden zu tun haben, gelesen sein.

Monje, Michael Scott Jr: Mirror Project (Paperback) 5 stars

Lynn Vargas is an artificial intelligence created by the merging of human memories, brain scans, …

[Adapted from initial review on Goodreads.]

5 stars

I've kind of a complicated opinion of this book, and while part of me wants to recommend it to absolutely everyone, another part of me wants to preface that recommendation with a whole slew of caveats and content warnings. It is, unquestionably, a good book; but it is not a pleasant one.

The writing is fluid, the narrator easy to empathise with, and the framing device both really nifty and very immersive. It also performs another important function: it makes it clear from the start that whatever else happens in the book, the narrator is going to - somehow, somewhen, in some capacity - make it through. This is the sort of book in which that knowledge is critical, and for some readers might make the difference in being able to finish it.

The narrator - whose only given name and pronouns in fact belong to someone else, for which …

reviewed Der Feuervogel von Istradar by Ria Winter (Feuervogel-Chronk, #1)

Ria Winter: Der Feuervogel von Istradar (Paperback, Deutsch language) 4 stars

Zwei Frauen auf der Suche nach einem gestohlenen Wunder …

Als Firaya beim Einbruch in …


4 stars

Ganz am Anfang hab ich mir Sorgen gemacht, dass ich das Buch nicht mögen würde. Die zwei Hauptfiguren haben sich sowas von schnell in einander vernarrt, obwohl sie von Anfang an Feindys waren - es sah für mich noch nicht mal so aus, als ob es kippt, sondern dass sie sich halt jetzt verlieben müssen, weil die Geschichte das braucht.

Aber - nachdem sie sich erstmal verliebt haben ging es durchaus etwas komplexer hin. Nicht blos in der Handlung, auch in der Beziehung hatte es einige Twists, die mich immer tiefer in das Buch hinein gezogen haben.

Es war auch sehr, sehr schön auch mal einen guten queeren Fantasyroman auf Deutsch zu lesen. Und es war interessant, dass die von der Handlung aus wichtigste Figur erst als viel unwichtiger erschien. Ich hoffe, auch die restliche Serie zu lesen.

reviewed Black Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse (Between Earth and Sky, #1)

Rebecca Roanhorse: Black Sun (Paperback, 2021, Gallery / Saga Press) 4 stars

A god will return When the earth and sky converge Under the black sun

In …

First in a trilogy

4 stars

Excellent worldbuilding, likeable characters - it actually pulls off the thing I've seen a few times where characters on opposing sides are all presented as likeable. Often, I end up not caring about any of them; here, I find myself wanting things to go well for all of them.

Selling points: South/meso-American-inspired setting; bi rep; nonbinary rep. (Also blind rep but I'm not sure I can recommend it on that basis - Rebecca Roanhorse obviously made an effort with the disability rep here, but he's also a reincarnated god, and as someone who's not blind on that level myself I don't think I can fairly judge whether or not she hit the balance well.)

Warnings: violence; child abuse; child neglect; ritual injury of a child by a parent; a sex scene, tasteful but fairly explicit; end on quite a sequel-hungry note.


Ada Hoffmann: The Infinite (The Outside #3) (2023) 5 stars

Good conclusion

4 stars

I do not have many words right now, but there were many things to like here: the deeper exploration of the AI Gods, an epic fight scene that worked better than that in "The Fallen", the way the conclusion went. I do feel a bit weird about the extant that Yasira (and Tiv, and the Seven) all blamed Ev for everything - I mean, they're not wrong to, exactly? She certainly fucked up Jai? But also, she didn't really torture or break Yasira, not intentionally anyway; I suspect that a certain amount of blame that really belonged to Akavi ended up pinned on Ev just because he appeared to be out of the picture. Which is a realistic way for blame to go, but it's... weird, in that I find her amoral, sympathetic, and almost reasonable, and yet people seem almost more upset with her than with the Gods and …