gengengar wants to read The Screwfly Solution by James Tiptree, Jr.

The Screwfly Solution by James Tiptree, Jr.
"The Screwfly Solution" is a 1977 science fiction short story by Raccoona Sheldon, a pen name for American psychologist Alice …
"The Screwfly Solution" is a 1977 science fiction short story by Raccoona Sheldon, a pen name for American psychologist Alice …
@gengengar if you end up reading it, gwern's interpretation of it (extremely spoilerific, do not read beforehand) is an interesting read
@cblgh love more meta and para-text — I've been meaning to read this for a few years, so hopefully logging it will do the trick. Thanks!
@gengengar Raccoona Sheldon is an incredibly powerful pen name, woah