hyperreality rated The Lost World: 4 stars

The Lost World by Michael Crichton (Jurassic Park, #2)
It is now six years since the secret disaster at Jurassic Park, six years since the extraordinary dream of science …
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It is now six years since the secret disaster at Jurassic Park, six years since the extraordinary dream of science …
Humans are relational beings. This is the best self-improvement book to know how to create meaningful and fruitful relationships.
Who Moved My Cheese? An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life, published on …
In today's world, yesterday's methods just don't work. In Getting Things Done, veteran coach and management consultant David Allen shares …
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons …
"My Heart Is Afraid that it will have to suffer," the boy told the alchemist one night as they looked …
Do you want to get ahead in life? Climb the ladder to personal success? The secret, master networker Keith Ferrazzi …
The adventures and pranks of a mischievous boy growing up in a Mississippi River town in the early nineteenth century. …
Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth (often shortened to Batman: Arkham Asylum) is a Batman graphic novel written …
World-renowned Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon is summoned to a Swiss research facility to analyze a cryptic symbol seared into the …
Who is Jason Bourne? Is he an assassin, a terrorist, a thief? Why has he got four million dollars in …
Jurassic Park is a 1990 science fiction novel written by Michael Crichton. A cautionary tale about genetic engineering, it presents …
Susan Fletcher, la criptógrafa estrella de la ultrasecreta Agencia de Seguridad Nacional (NSA) no puede dar crédito a sus oídos …
To make the journey into The Power of Now we will need to leave our analytical mind and its false …
As featured in the bestselling book The Secret, here is the landmark guide to wealth creation republished with the classic …